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Critical to any lesson plan is the idea of learner _____36_____ . When lessons _____37_____ students’ interests and experiences, students are naturally more motivated to _____38_____ learning. If they are not interested in learning something, their learning is apt to be short-term rote memorization _____39_____ . In whole language classes we hope that students’ interest is not based simply on the desire to do well on a test or get some other kind of extrinsic reward, but _____40_____ we hope that students will “buy into” the curriculum because they honestly are interested in _____41_____ the questions that they have helped raised. (Adapted from Whole Language for Second Language Learners, by Yvonne S. Freeman and David E. Freeman, page 49)
(A) answer
(B) to answer
(C) answering
(D) answered

Critical to any lesson plan is the idea ..-阿摩線上測驗