
▲閱讀下文,回答第 46−50 題 In 2018, the Formosan rock monkey was removed from the “ rare and valuable ” species group to the “ ordinary wildlife ” species group on the list of protected wildlife. Also known as Taiwan mi hou (臺灣獼猴), this native species unique to the island is now a common cause for complaint. The Formosan rock monkey was endangered by overhunting before it came under protection in 1989. However, by 2009, its population numbered about 250,000, and rock monkeys began causing much damage to farmers’ crops. To drive them away, farmers have been trying various means that include building electric fences and capturing them. Even so, few farmers have actually harmed these animals. Some farmers do not mind sharing their crops with the monkeys, but most of them are upset by how the monkeys ruin the crops. The monkeys habitually throw away a fruit after several bites and then help themselves to another piece; sometimes, they pluck fruits which are not ripe yet. With the removal of the rock monkey from the rare species category, farmers may now seek government approval to destroy troublesome monkeys. However, this will not prevent future conflicts between farmers and monkeys, which involve a bigger issue. To begin with, humans move into the living environment of rock monkeys and plant crops. As time goes by, these animals get used to humans, and may sometimes attack humans if threatened. Undoubtedly, monkeys cause damage to farmers, but humans disturb the life of the monkeys as well. After all, the issue of balancing human needs and wildlife is never an easy one.
【題組】46. What is the main idea of this passage?
(A) New ways found by farmers to destroy monkeys.
(B) Complaints about farmers’ treatment of monkeys.
(C) The need for humans and wildlife to live in peace.
(D) The increases in human and wildlife populations.

難度: 簡單
Hi World 高二上 (2021/08/18)
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▲閱讀下文,回答第 46−50 題 In 2018, the Formosa..-阿摩線上測驗