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三、克漏字測驗【請依照句子前後文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: A school in England for children with autism is finding a new use for virtual reality, or VR headsets. Prior’s Court is a school in Berkshire, southern England. The workers at the school are also using high technology to learn more about individual students. People with autism may find 31 hard to deal with places and situations they have not experienced before. VR headsets make the wearer feel like they are in a different place. For example, someone wearing a VR headset can have a 360-degree view of a place as they 32 . With video, they can even hear the sounds of the place. Teachers at Prior’s Court are using VR to introduce children to situations like visiting a shopping mall or getting on a plane. They can do 33 in the safety of their classroom. 34 getting accustomed to everyday places in the real world, the children may learn to enjoy new experiences such as skiing or deep-sea diving. The school officials hope the VR experiences will help children feel better about changes from their routine. Teachers at Prior’s Court school also use tablets to record data. They said,“We’re hoping to not only increase our knowledge and awareness about the world of young people with autism at Prior’s Court, 35 we’re also hoping to be able to, in time, share that with the wider autism world.”
(A) Furthermore
(B) In addition to
(C) In spite of
(D) Instead of

難度: 適中
kelly 國三上 (2020/05/19)
In addition to getti☆☆ ...

陳亭蕙 小六下 (2020/07/01)

B 除了習慣於現實世界中的日常生活之外,孩子們還可以學習享受滑雪或深海潛水等新體驗。

情傷牛奶瓶 (2020/08/25)

In addition to getting accustomed to everyday places in the real world, the children may learn to enjoy new experiences such as skiing or deep-sea diving.


(A) Furthermore 此外,而且

(B) In addition to 此外,除了

(C) In spite of 儘管

(D) Instead of 代替

三、克漏字測驗【請依照句子前後文意,選出最適當的答案】 第一篇: A schoo..-阿摩線上測驗