【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:
      A 70-foot-tall tree fell near a children’s museum in Pasadena on Tuesday, injuring eight children, authorities said. The injured children were 6 to 8 years old,   41    the Pasadena Fire Department. A search-and-rescue team, firefighters and police officers cut and tore limbs from the tree to search for   42   victims. Officials from the city’s public works and forestry department were chopping up the tree Tuesday evening as they worked to   43   out why the tree fell. Jennifer Marcus, a Pasadena resident, said that with the drought, “you see a decline of these old trees. You start worrying about something like this happening.” While sending prayers to the family and promising a   44   investigation, city spokesman William Boyer said there was no   45    between the drought and the tree falling. “An independent arborist will come out to look at the tree,” he said. “There is no tie between the drought and the fall of the tree. Right now we just don’t know the cause.”

(A) try
(B) work
(C) call
(D) figure

難度: 非常簡單
Karen 大三下 (2020/06/22)

Officials from th☆ ☆☆☆☆’☆ ...

大四上 (2021/08/21)

figure(v.) out>>>弄清楚 、理解、弄明白

請依下文回答第 41 題至第 45 題:      A 70-foot-tall..-阿摩線上測驗