【問卷-英文學習功能需求】只要填寫就能獲得500Y,結束時間 2024/06/03 12:00。 前往查看


Which of the following is NOT true about English language?
(A) It was not until the middle of the 1700s that English spelling was finally standardized.
(B) Samuel Johnson’s Dictionary of the English Language, published in 1755, was a result of the standardization of English spelling.
(C) All of the 100 most frequent words in Contemporary English come from Old English.
(D) The spelling-pronunciation mismatch in English words results from the influence of Greek and Latin.

難度: 困難
羅逸昇 大一上 (2014/06/17)
有些英文單字不是有些發音例外嗎?這些不是因為受到拉丁語或者法文的影響嗎?像machine 中的ch,跟 cheir中的ch發音是不一樣的,這裡有誰可以解釋一下,謝謝

Which of the following is NOT true about..-阿摩線上測驗