
I am one of those people who spend much time in coffeehouses talking to and observing others. One time I met half a dozen gentlemen who were talking about the different kinds of people in Europe. One of these men stated that he had all of the wonderful qualities of the English in his person. He went on to say that the Dutch were all greedy and hungry for money. The French were not to be trusted. The Germans were a bunch of drunks. The Spanish were too proud. In bravery, kindness, generosity, and every other virtue the English were better than the rest of the world. The rest of the company, all Englishmen, accepted his statements as truth. I sat there and said nothing, so a companion of mine asked me if what that man said was not true. I replied that I could not judge until I had spent some time in those countries. Perhaps I might find that the Dutch were thrifty and saved their money, that the French were very polite, that the Germans are hard-working, that the Spanish were very calm and quite, and even that the English, although brave and generous, might be too bold and free-swinging when things went well and too sad when they did not. Soon after I said this, I lost the goodwill of my companions, and they all left me alone. 
 I paid my bill and went home. There I began to think about the silliness of national prejudice. I thought of the ancient wise man, when asked the country of his citizenship, replied that he was a “citizen of the world.” We have now become so English, French, Dutch, Spanish, or German that we are no longer citizens of the world. We are so much the citizens of one small society that we no longer think of ourselves as members of that grand society that includes all of humankind.

【題組】49. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
(A) The author did not talk to others in coffeehouses.
(B) The English gentlemen did not like what the author said and left.
(C) These gentlemen all agreed on the good qualities of other nations.
(D) The author went home without paying the coffeehouse.

難度: 簡單
Jason Hsieh 大三上 (2020/07/27)

第二段最後一句: Soon aft☆☆ ☆ ...

Pow 大一下 (2020/07/31)

passage n.(文章,樂曲等★)★★,★★[...

112年已上岸,挑戰極限 博二下 (2021/12/22)

Soon after I said this, I lost the goodwill of my companions, and they all left me alone. 



(A) 作者沒有在咖啡館里和別人說話。

(B) 英國紳士不喜歡作者的話,就離開了。

(C) 這些先生們都同意其他國家的優良品質。

(D) 作者沒有付咖啡館的錢就回家了。

soon after


四、閱讀測驗 I am one of those people who spen..-阿摩線上測驗