
     An annular solar eclipse happens when the moon covers the sun’s center, leaving the sun’s visible outer edges to form a “ring of fire” around the moon. This can happen only twice this century, in 2020 and on June 21st , 2039. While people in Taiwan are lucky enough to witness the recent one, it is out of the question to see the latter as Taiwan will not be on the path shaded by the moon.
     Thanks to mostly sunny skies on June 21st this summer, people across Taiwan flocked to museums, parks and schools for guided solar eclipse watching or simply observed the event from street corners, using protective eye gear. The momentum was especially high in Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Nantou, Hualien and Taitung cities and counties, as well as the outlying islands of Penghu and Kinmen, as people there could witness the entire process of the eclipse.
     In Chiayi, the eclipse started at 2:49 p.m. and ended at 5:25 p.m., with the complete “ring of fire” taking place for less than a minute at 4:14 p.m., when 99 percent of the sun’s surface was blocked. The spectacle of the distinct stages of the eclipse drew crowds from across the country. According to intercity bus operator Kuo-Kuang Motor Transportation Company, passengers to Chiayi on Sunday were about 15 percent higher compared with the previous weekend.
     In Taipei, where only a partial solar eclipse was visible, around 10,000 people were estimated to have visited the Taipei Astronomical Museum. The last time the museum saw such heavy traffic was in July 2009, when a total solar eclipse took place. According to a museum official, the next time an annular solar eclipse covering such a large percentage of the sun will not be visible in Taiwan until June 28th, 2215. If you happen to miss this eclipse, don't despair. Visit our school website and you can watch the eclipse we have uploaded along with lots of information, images, and facts about this and other eclipses.

【題組】31. What does “the latter” refer to in the first paragraph?
(A) The annular solar eclipse in 2020.
(B) The annular solar eclipse in 2039.
(C) The ring of fire around the moon.
(D) The path that is shaded by the moon.

難度: 適中
Mi de Chen 高三下 (2020/08/23)
全文翻譯: 當月球覆蓋太陽中心時,發生環形日食,使太陽可見的外邊緣在月球周圍形成“火環”。這種情況在本世紀只能發生兩次,分別是在2020年和2039年6月21日。雖然台灣人民有幸見證了最近的那場戰爭,但由於台灣不會走上被陰影遮擋的道路,因此毫無疑問地看到後者。月亮。      由於今年夏天6月21日的晴空萬里,台灣各地的人們蜂擁而至,參觀博物館,公園和學校以進行日食嚮導觀看,或者只是使用防護眼罩從街角觀看了這一事件。雲林,嘉義,台南,高雄,南投,花蓮,台東等市縣以及澎湖,金門等偏遠島嶼的勢頭尤為強勁,因為那裡的人們可以目睹日全食的過程。      在嘉義,日食從下午2:49開始。並在下午5.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Ya-ping Siao 大四上 (2021/04/22)

This can happen o☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ ...

anna 大一下 (2021/07/12)

第3句雖然台灣人有幸見證了最近的這★, ...

Valerie 高三上 (2023/11/25)

Out of question 不成問題的、無庸置疑的

Out of question就是beyond question,是在「問題之外」,代表「不用懷疑、無庸置疑」。這種用法比較舊,現在很少聽到美國人這樣說。

Out of the question 不可能的、辦不到的


Your proposal is out of the question.(你的建議根本不做考慮。)


四、閱讀測驗      An annular solar eclipse hap..-阿摩線上測驗