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請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題: 
        With the growing number of solo diners, hotels and resorts are making sure they are comfortable. ThePlume restaurant in Washington, D.C., created a program for solo diners last fall; several of its 18 seats arededicated to diners who want a sense of privacy yet a feeling of inclusion. “The seating for this type of dinerdoesn’t include being in the center of the room,” said the restaurant’s manager, Sean Mulligan. “We make surethey are not near the entrance or exit for privacy and  31  while making sure the diners have items likenewspapers and magazines delivered to their table if they need it.” At Metropolitan by Miami Beach, a dinner-for-one menu made its  32  earlier this year, withrecommended seating at the corner of the hotel’s terrace and the Traymore bar  33  for people-watchingalong a pedestrian area of Miami Beach Drive. At the Atwood Restaurant in Chicago, which was renovatedlast year, the general manager said an extension of the bar area was intentionally  34  into the lobby toattract the solo diner. Bjorn Hanson, a clinical professor of  35  and tourism at New York University’s Tisch Center, saidhe has observed a recent increase in solo dining among those traveling on their own. “This type of experiencecontinues to become more of a desire, and much of the stigma is less of an issue for younger travelers,” he saidin an email.

(A) cordiality
(B) generosity
(C) hospitality
(D) fraternity

難度: 適中
Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2020/10/15)
(A) cordiality 友好而莊重的表現/親切而客氣的行為(B) generosity 慷慨.....觀看完整全文,請先登入
Ardyn Lee 大四下 (2020/10/15)

(A) cordiality 友好★★★★★★/...

何宇明 大一下 (2021/05/04)
Hospitality Industry觀光業

請依下文回答第 31 題至第 35 題:         With the gr..-阿摩線上測驗