
     Paul Newman began acting in 1954 and appeared in more than fifty films in his lifetime. He won an Oscar for best actor in 1986 for The Color of Money, and in 1993, Newman received a special Oscar for humanitarian service. These two awards reflect his dual success as actor and philanthropist.
     In 1982, Newman and a friend, A.
(E) Hotchner, established Newman’s Own, a not-for-profit food products company, and launched their first product: a salad dressing that Newman and Hotchner made at home themselves. Newman was told that this sauce would sell only if his face were on the label. Though he didn’t want to call attention to himself, he agreed because he planned to donate all profits to charity. The salad dressing was a huge success: In the first year, Newman contributed approximately US$1,000,000 to charitable organizations.
     Newman’s Own expanded, and the company now makes many other food products. Every year, Newman donated 100% of the profits from the sale of Newman’s Own products to thousands of educational and non-profit groups. And since Newman’s death in 2008, Newman’s Own, Inc. has continued this practice and donated over US$295 million to charities in the U.S. and 31 other countries.
     One of Newman’s special projects was the Hole in the Wall Gang Camps, the world’s only network of camps for children with life-threatening illnesses. At these camps, children participate in many outdoor activities where they can temporarily forget their health problems. The project has sponsored more than 100,000 children to attend these camps free of charge. When asked why he gave so much to kids with serious diseases, Newman said, “I’ve had such a string of good fortune in my life……Those who are most lucky should hold their hands out to those who aren’t.”
     Paul Newman didn’t think that being a philanthropist was an exceptional quality. To him, generosity was simply a human trait, a common-sense way of living. “I respect generosity in people. I don’t look at it as philanthropy,” said Newman. “I’m not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer who puts back into the soil what he takes out.”

【題組】22. Which of the following is NOT true about the company Newman’s Own?
(A) It was created by Paul Newman and one of his friends.
(B) It has been under Paul Newman’s leadership till today.
(C) It has given away nearly US$300 million to charities home and abroad since 2008.
(D) It donates every cent of the profits from selling its products every year.

難度: 簡單
怕豹 高二上 (2021/06/05)
(A) 第二段第一句(B) Newman ☆☆☆ ...


四、閱讀測驗      Paul Newman began acting in..-阿摩線上測驗