
      There's a fun game I like to play in a group of trusted friends called "Controversial Opinion". The rules are simple: Don't talk about what was shared during Controversial Opinion afterward and you aren't allowed to "argue"--only to ask questions about why that person feels that way. Opinions can range from "I think James Bond movies are overrated'' to "I think Donald Trump would make an excellent president". Usually, someone responds to an opinion with, "'Oh my god! I had no idea you were one of those people!' Which is really another way of saying "'I thought you were on my team!'' In psychology, the idea that everyone is like us is called the "'false-consensus bias". This bias often manifests itself when we see in politics or polls.
       Online it means we can be blindsided by the opinions of our friends. Over time, this morphs into a subconscious belief that we and our friends are the sane ones and that there's a crazy 'Other Side" that must be laughed at---an Other Side that just doesn't "get it", and is clearly not as intelligent as "us". But this holier-than-thou social media behavior is counterproductive, it's self-aggrandizement at the cost of actual nuanced discourse and if we want to consider online discourse productive, we need to move past this.
      What is emerging is the worst kind of echo chamber, one where those inside are increasingly convinced that everyone shares their world view, that their ranks are growing when they aren't. It's like clockwork: an event happens and then your social media circle is shocked when a non-social media peer group public reacts to news in an unexpected way. They then mock the Other Side for being " out of touch" or "dumb".

【題組】36. What is the main idea of this article?
(A) Playing Controversial Opinion with trusted friends is simple and fun.
(B) To have a constructive discussion, we need to talk to "the other side".
(C) Having "false-consensus bias" is common among friends.
(D) We should defend ourselves when others disagree with us.

難度: 適中
火斑喵(撰寫詳解+朝目標持 國一下 (2020/11/22)
★【自己翻的翻譯筆記】★(望能幫上大家!)(●´ω`●)ゞ There's a fun game I like to play in a group of trusted friends (which is) called(被叫做) "Controversial Opinion". (我喜歡跟一群信賴的朋友玩一個有趣的遊戲,它叫做:「爭議的想法」。)  The rules are simple: Don't talk about what was shared during(在...期間) Controversial Opinion afterward and you aren't allowed to "argue"--only to(只能夠...幹嘛) ask questions about why that person feels that way. (規則很簡單: 遊戲過後,不說在「爭議的想法」遊戲進行期間分享與討論的內容,而且不允許你"爭辯"--你只能問那人為何有那樣的感受這類的問題。) O...
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