王惠民 國一下 (2024/05/29): Thyroid storm 的 clinical features: Hyperpyrexia with profuse sweating
Tachycardia (> 140/minute) and (possibly severe) arrhythmia (e.g., atrial fibrillation), hypertension with wide pulse pressure, congestive cardiac failure Hypotension/shock secondary to high output heart failure or hypovolemia as a result of GI and insensible losses Symptoms of thyrotoxicosis Abdominal pain Severe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, possibly jaundice Severe agitation and anxiety, delirium and psychoses, seizures, coma 治療可給 Lugol solution(含碘的溶液)抑制 thyroid hormone 釋放(Wolff-Chaikoff effect)
這位病人如果僅有發燒、喉嚨痛的話,比較不像是 thyroid storm,所以先猜是咽喉感染,不過在投予抗生素之前,還是先驗個 WBC 看看
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