
26-30 This is a key marketing tool, so it’s worth spending time and effort on producing the best piece of self-promotion possible. There is no proper format, but make sure you have clear headings, that it is concise, and free from any kind of error. You should identify the needs of your prospective employer. This will help you to work out what to include, what to highlight, and what is irrelevant. Under each heading, list your qualifications in reverse chronological order. Do not omit a section on your interests. Employers actually find this kind of information very useful as it can provide them with an idea of an applicant’s personality. They will use this to decide how you might fit into an existing team. Once the company has received your résumé and offers you an interview, it’s time you did some serious investigation. This doesn’t just mean that you visit the company’s website and parrot back the contents of the “About . . .” page. Instead, search the Internet for newspaper articles, go to the library for industry journals, and talk to any contacts who know the company. If you can refer to these, you will persuade the interviewer that you are genuinely interested in working for the company.
【題組】30. What is Not mentioned in the paragraph?
(A) The tip on showing the company your personality.
(B) What should be included in a résumé.
(C) How to describe your own appearance.
(D) How to search for information about the company.

26-30 This is a key marketing tool, so ..-阿摩線上測驗