
      Tourism represents an important source of income. Most resource-poor countries, therefore, cannotafford to neglect the economic opportunities tourism offers. However, tourism often ends up destroyingthe landscape and culture that attracted visitors in the first place. Low-impact tourism is sustainable traveland leisure activities that directly benefit local communities. The society and culture and environment ofthe people who live in the tourist destinations are not damaged or destroyed either.         Unfortunately, the environmental impacts of tourism can be    devastating    when profit takesprecedence. As a result, it heavily depends on individuals travel responsibly as a “green tourist”. Being agreen tourist starts eating out on trips with a philosophy of “buy local, eat and drink local.” Tourismexpenditure within the destination can create induced benefits. Try not to go for the international fast-food chains, because most of the money from tourism may undergo leakage. Furthermore, food is animportant part of the culture of a region, through its consumption gaining in-depth knowledge about thelocal cuisine and of the destination’s culture. Choosing locally made souvenirs and presents is anotherarea where the tourist can be either a help or a hindrance, but never buy anything that’s made from anendangered species. Never pick any plants or flowers either. 
       However, sometimes tourists behave very poorly while traveling. Therefore, the key factor inminimizing damage through tourism is to keep tourist groups to a management size and manage theirmovements and behavior. In fact, some popular attractions have tourist group size limit. For example, LaBoqueria, the most famous market in Barcelona worldwide, banned tourist groups of more than 15 peoplein 2015.

【題組】75 According to the passage, what “key factor” minimizes damage?
(A) Keeping tourists in one place as long as they can.
(B) Restricting access to sites of interest.
(C) Keeping groups to a manageable size and controlling their behavior.
(D) Making sure tourism does not impinge on local ways of life too much.

難度: 簡單
bn3 高三上 (2021/11/22)

(C) Keeping group☆ ☆☆ ☆ ...

Rita-休息一陣子不會上 大一上 (2023/03/09)

75 根據文章,什麼“關鍵因素”可以最大限度地減少損害?
(A) 盡可能讓遊客留在一個地方。
(B) 限制訪問感興趣的站點。
(C) 將群體保持在可管理的規模並控制他們的行為。
(D) 確保旅遊業不會過多地影響當地的生活方式。

      Tourism represents an important so..-阿摩線上測驗