27 從 Harvey 等人(2004)的實證研究結果來看,下列何種疾患最常發現..-阿摩線上測驗
2F 黃鈺婷 (2021/08/05)
The first step in this misattribution seems to be a deficit in self-monitoring and source monitoring in patients with schizophrenia. The proposal is that patients with schizophrenia, who suffer from hallucinations, have a breakdown in self-monitoring. Source monitoring is the ability to remember the origin of where memories, knowledge, and other information were obtained and in particular, to determine whether the information came from an external source (e.g. an event that actually occurred) or was generated internally (e.g. an imagined event). Considerable evidence suggests that patients with schiz... 查看完整內容 |
3F 劉建廷 高一下 (2021/08/16)
補充 將樓上內容翻譯如下: 這種錯誤歸因的第一步似乎是思覺失調症患者自我監測和來源監測的缺陷。 該提議是患有幻覺的思覺失調症患者在自我監控方面出現故障。 來源監控(Source monitoring)是記住記憶、知識和其他信息的來源的能力,特別是確定信息是來自外部來源(例如實際發生的事件)還是內部產生的(例如想像的) 事件)。 相當多的證據表明,與非患者對照相比,患有幻覺的思覺失調症患者表現出源頭監測受損,因為他們發現很難檢測到心理事件或行為是否是自我產生的(Harvey 1985;Harvey 等,1988) ;Vinogradov 等人,1997 年;Keefe 等人,1999 年)。 |