
        The term culture shock, is used to describe the feeling of unease or loss you might experience when visiting or living in a country that is not your own. You might have problems being in a place where you don’t speak the language and everyday life is quite different from what you’re used to. Initially, this reaction—this shock—may be caused by the feeling that the foreign culture is a threat to your own culture and identity.
         Less well known, however, is the term reverse culture shock, which refers to the difficulties someone can experience on the return to their native country after living abroad. Most people accept that culture shock is a normal part of being in a foreign country. However, it is not so widely understood that people coming home after a stay abroad might also experience a similar kind of culture shock. Living in another country changes you: once you’re home, you’re no longer the same person you left. With global traveling, more and more people live abroad for longer periods of time. It is difficult to dismiss reverse culture shock as something that only happens to a handful of people. It is clearly becoming a more common problem.

【題組】41. According to the passages, how does one feel about the culture shock?
(A) They lose their meaning of life.
(B) Their daily schedule turns messy.
(C) They feel insecure about who they are and how they should behave.
(D) They stick to their habitual way of life.

難度: 簡單
loveuuuuuuu 大四上 (2022/09/27)
(A) They lose their ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆ ...

YC上岸了謝謝阿摩 國三下 (2022/05/03)

文化衝擊 (Culture shock)
文化衝擊,或文化震驚、文化休克,是指一個人或者一個組織身處不同國家的文化或不一樣的環境中而經受的一種困惑、焦慮的狀況,未必會產生嚴重後果。詞在1954年由Kalervo Oberg首先提出。

loveuuuuuuu 大四上 (2022/09/27)

       The term culture shock, is used to describe the feeling of unease or loss you might experience when visiting or living in a country that is not your own. You might have problems being in a place where you don’t speak the language and everyday life is quite different from what you’re used to. Initially, this reaction—this shock—may be caused by the feeling that the foreign culture is a threat to your own culture and identity.
       Less well known, however, is the term reverse culture shock, which refers to the difficulties someone can experience on the return to their native...


        The term culture shock, is used ..-阿摩線上測驗