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第 40 至 43 題為題組
       France gave birth to restaurants, but it was no civilized affair. In fact, today’s restaurant business is a byproduct of the class warfare that arose during the French Revolution.
       Back in the Middle Ages, fine dining was a privilege enjoyed exclusively by noble families who had their own grand kitchens and personal chefs. The only commercial diners for the masses were dusty, shabby roadside inns, where strangers crowded around mediocre buffets of lukewarm roasts and over-sauced beans. But sometime in the 1760s, the merchant class of Paris developed a taste for healthy clear broths which were considered restorative; hence the term “restaurant.” By the 1780s, this new Parisian “healthy food” craze led to a handful of reputable dining halls, where customers could sit at individual tables and choose from a wide range of dishes.
       Ironically, the popularity of these restaurants grew at a time when the majority of the French population could not afford bread. Decades of harsh winters and oppressive taxation had taken their toll on kitchen tables. By 1789, the starving French masses could no longer be controlled. Looting and riots erupted throughout Paris, ushering in the French Revolution. Rich nobles fled to the countryside, leaving behind their highly skilled chefs and the fine wines from their cellars. Suddenly, unemployed cooks found their way to the city’s eateries, and within a year, nearly 50 elegant restaurants had popped up in Paris.
       The restaurant business truly came into its own during the early 1800s, after General Napoleon seized control of the country. He granted “freedom of pleasure” to all citizens, as he reasoned that people who were focused on champagne and fine food probably would not conspire against him. The number of restaurants rose quickly. By 1814, about three thousand restaurants were listed in a popular travel guide. Paris became the center of the new restaurant scene, which, to some degree, it remains today.

【題組】42. Which of the following is true about commercial diners before the French Revolution?
(A) Many fine restaurants were owned by highly skilled chefs.
(B) Reputable dining halls were popular in Paris during the 1760s.
(C) Public dining halls in the Middle Ages were run-down and dirty.
(D) A limited variety of food was served in Parisian restaurants in the 1780s.

難度: 簡單

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
大三上 (2021/10/23):

Which of the following is true about commercial diners before the French Revolution? (A) Many fine restaurants were owned by highly skilled chefs. (B) Reputable dining halls were popular in Paris during the 1760s. (C) Public dining halls in the Middle Ages were run-down and dirty. (D) A limited variety of food was served in Parisian restaurants in the 1780s.
關於法國大革命前的商業食客,以下哪項是正確的? (A) 許多高級餐廳都由技藝精湛的廚師開辦。 (B) 在 1760 年代,著名的餐廳在巴黎很受歡迎。 (C) 中世紀的公共食堂破舊骯髒。 (D) 1780 年代的巴黎餐廳供應的食物種類有限。
本文翻譯:法國誕生了餐館,但這並不是文明的事情。事實上,今天的餐飲業是法國大革命期間發生的階級鬥爭的副產品。 早在中世紀,美食是貴族家庭獨有的特權,他們擁有自己的大廚房和私人廚師。唯一適合大眾的商業食客是塵土飛揚、破舊的路邊旅館,陌生人擠在那裡,周圍是溫熱的烤肉和醬汁豆的平庸自助餐。但在 1760 年代的某個時候,巴黎的商人階層開始喜歡健康清湯,這種湯被認為具有滋補作用;因此有了“餐廳”一詞。到 1780 年代,這種新的巴黎“健康食品”熱潮催生了少數信譽良好的餐廳,顧客可以坐在單獨的餐桌旁,從各種菜餚中進行選擇。 具有諷刺意味的是,在大多數法國人買不起麵包的時候,這些餐廳越來越受歡迎。數十年的嚴冬和沈重的稅收已經在廚房餐桌上造成了損失。到 1789 年,飢餓的法國群眾再也無法控制。整個巴黎爆發了搶劫和騷亂,引發了法國大革命。富有的貴族們逃到了鄉下,留下了技藝精湛的廚師和酒窖裡的美酒。突然間,失業的廚師找到了去城裡餐館的路,一年之內,巴黎出現了近 50 家優雅的餐廳。 1800 年代初期,拿破崙將軍奪取了該國的控制權後,餐飲業才真正獨樹一幟。他授予所有公民“享樂自由”,因為他認為專注於香檳和美食的人可能不會密謀反對他。餐廳數量迅速增加。到 1814 年,一本流行的旅遊指南中列出了大約 3000 家餐廳。巴黎成為新餐廳場景的中心,在某種程度上,它今天仍然存在。


第 40 至 43 題為題組       France gave birth t..-阿摩線上測驗