28.正子電腦斷層攝影儀中,符合線路的時間窗(coincidence timin..-阿摩線上測驗
1F zoo 國二上 (2021/07/14)
There are several factors that lead to the photon detections not occurring at the exact same time: The annihilation may occur closer to one detector surface than the other, which will result in a slight but measurable delay of one photon, where the photons travel at the speed of light, or 1 m in 3.3 ns. Most important for temporal mismatches is the finite timing resolution of the detector, i.e. its timing uncertainty, which arises from the decay time of the scintillation in the crystal and the processing time of the PMT signals. These effects lead to the use of a coincidence time window on the... 查看完整內容 |