
29. Although the majority of low-speed engines and many medium-speed engines are operated on heavy fuels, there is still a balance to be struck between the lower cost of the heavier fuels and the inconvenience and greater cost of fuel treatment and increased engine maintenance that inevitably results from their use. Therefore,
(A) the use of heavy fuels could increase the cost of fuel treatment.
(B) the use of heavy fuels could reduce the maintenance duty.
(C) the inconvenience of fuel treatment is induced by the increased engine maintenance.
(D) the use of heavy fuels is not appropriate for low-speed engine but is acceptable for mediumspeed engine.

難度: 計算中

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如有幫到您,拜託給個5星好 高三下 (2024/09/04):
雖然使用重油具有成本優勢,但重油的使用也帶來了燃油處理成本增加以及發動機維護的負擔。因此,正確的結論是(A) the use of heavy fuels could increase the cost of fuel treatment,因為題幹提到重油的使用會增加燃油處理成本和發動機維護。

29. Although the majority of low-speed e..-阿摩線上測驗