
Part V. 26-30: 
        Sleeping on a plane can be difficult for even the most seasoned traveler, let alone a first-time flier. Research suggests passengers have difficulty sleeping on planes and experience anxiety about doing so. That's not surprising considering everything working against you, from visual distractions to airplane noise and off-kilter circadian rhythms due to crossing multiple time zones.
      With a little practice and the right tools, you can master sleeping on a plane. Some research suggests cooler rooms are better for sleeping—the opposite of some flights. To combat higher temperatures on planes, start with a light base layer. This Losano relaxed cardigan and nap pant set is lightweight and loose enough to keep you comfortable without looking like pajamas.
     Seats that barely recline are far from comfortable when you're trying to sleep on a plane. You can add some comfort with a few key items. A good pillow such as the Cabeau Evolution Classic Pillow with raised sides can support your head and help prevent neck cramps.
      If your carry-on is already stuffed to the gills, try a smartphone app for combatting noise on a plane. BetterSleep is like a virtual white noise machine and comes with an impressive array of sounds to help you snooze. With a mix of storytellers, therapists, and music, Aura is a versatile app that can help you relax so you can fall asleep. It also offers meditation, which may help improve sleep, according to one study.

【題組】29. Which brand does the author recommend for a lightweight outfit?
(A) Aura
(B) BetterSleep
(C) Cabeau
(D) Losano

難度: 計算中

倒數 7天 ,已有 1 則答案
7Rose 國一下 (2024/06/29):

第2段This Losano relaxed cardigan and nap pant set is lightweight and loose enough to keep you comfortable without looking like pajamas,這段提到Losano品牌的輕便服裝適合在飛機上穿著。

good pillow ---Cabeau
virtual white noise -----BetterSleep
versatile app--Aura

Part V. 26-30:         Sleeping on a pla..-阿摩線上測驗