【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


       Named the 2022 Oxford Word of the Year by public vote, the term “goblin mode” is defined by Oxford University Press (OUP) as “a type of behavior which is unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy, typically in a way that rejects social norms or expectations.” Essentially, goblin mode is a form of letting ourselves go. It’s that 2 a.m. decision to shuffle to the kitchen and scrounge out the last bit of our favorite ice cream from the bottom of the pint that’s been sitting in the back of our freezer, unnoticed, for weeks. It’s going to the grocery store in our sweats and not caring who we run into in public. And it’s that spur-of-the-moment satisfaction we feel from grabbing junk food for lunch instead of cooking up a healthy meal.
       The term—while getting its start from a Twitter thread in 2009—grew viral during the COVID-19 pandemic. When we were all stuck at home doomscrolling and finding new ways to cope with chaos, we began to care less about our personal appearances and more about our personal comfort and joy. During COVID, we learned how to cope in different ways and we’ve learned how to rest and recover. Goblin mode is truly about taking care of ourselves in nontraditional ways. 
       When we’re stressed or overwhelmed, our sympathetic nervous system kicks in. This network of nerves activates our fight-or-flight response by triggering a number of biological processes in our body that include increasing our heart rate and breathing ability, slowing down our digestion and improving our eyesight and reflexes. When we experience chronic stress, anxiety or depression, our sympathetic nervous system works around the clock to protect our mind and body from the possibility of danger. When our stress levels are high, we can experience a number of negative effects in our bodies and our overall mental health. But when that stress subsides, our parasympathetic nervous system controls our body’s response during times of rest and allows our minds and bodies to calm down, relax and recover. Goblin mode enables us to shut down our sympathetic nervous system and go into the parasympathetic nervous system response. It allows us to restore, recharge, and rejuvenate.
       The heart of restoration is about being kind to ourselves in the way we choose to recover from certain situations. Maybe it’s as simple as deep breathing techniques or taking a nap. Or maybe we want to use the opportunity to close the curtains, dim the lights, grab that junk food and catch up on a show. Whatever we choose to cope with our stress, the restorative aspect of goblin mode is dependent on not guilting ourselves or feeling ashamed for how we’re responding.
       When we’re low on battery power, we have to find ways to recharge. If we find ourselves going to bed early, sleeping in or indulging in a late-afternoon nap, that’s OK. Burnout is a real problem that affects our physical and mental health. And recharging isn’t just limited to our sleep schedule—if we don’t feel like getting together with friends or family or we’re ready to take a social media detox, that’s OK, too. Sometimes, we just need a little time to ourselves in our own little goblin cave.
       While recharging is about how our body feels, rejuvenation is more about how we bring joy back into our life. Not sure where to start? Try journaling about how we’re feeling, what makes us happy each day and what we miss most, and then see what comes up. When we have purpose and meaning, that’s rejuvenating. Rejuvenation is more for our mind, spirit and soul.
       Despite all the benefits, if we find ourselves having a hard time emerging from our cave of self-care, we may want to have a heart-to-heart chat with our inner goblin. When something starts to affect our ability to function, our daily life or our mental and physical health, we need to take a step back and say, “I’m doing too much of this.” In those instances, it’s important to reach out to a mental health provider. By doing so, we can get help address some of the underlying causes of our stress and anxiety and find healthier coping mechanisms that boost our self-esteem and self-confidence.

【題組】23. According to this passage, how do we restore ourselves in goblin mode?
(A) By caring about our own health.
(B) By doing simple body movements.
(C) By being good to ourselves without feeling guilty.
(D) By being honest with ourselves about our feelings.

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       Named the 2022 Oxford Word of the..-阿摩線上測驗