

10. A hot object and a cold object are placed in thermal contact and the combination is isolated. They transfer energy until they reach a common temperature. The change △Sh in the entropy of the hot object, the change △Scin the entropy of the cold object, and the change△Sioiai in the entropy of the combination are:
(A) △Sh > 0,△Sc>0, △Stotai > 0
(B) △Sh<0,△Sc> 0, △Sioiai= 0
(C) △Sh > 0, △Sci<0 ,△Sioiai=0
(D)△Sh> 0, △Sc<  0, △Sioiai>0
(E) A△Sh<0, △Sc> 0, △Sioiai> 0.

10. A hot object and a cold object are p..-阿摩線上測驗