
II. Discourse Structure (15 marks)
          Though food trucks’ current popularity began with the Great Recession in 2008, food trucks have been around for decades, and their lineage goes back even further. During the first few decades of the 20th century, street vending was viewed as a legitimate business that provided work for a growing immigrant population. But as private stores became more popular, small-business owners and the business elite across the country saw ridding the streets of immigrant vendors as a way to modernize their cities. __11__ Dubbing vendors the “pushcart evil,” these established interests lobbied— often successfully—for increasingly restrictive regulations on street vending.
            __12__ This is how food trucks gained their association with construction sites. During the 1960s, the United States saw a building boom, and vendors saw an opportunity. Welcome in few other places, food trucks often parked at construction sites and other areas that had lots of blue-collar workers but few lunch alternatives. With this change in scenery came a change in reputation—and not one for the better, unfortunately. __13__ For example, the poor sanitation practices of some construction-site food trucks gave them the unflattering moniker of “roach coaches.”
           For years, food trucks languished under this reputation. But the Great Recession of 2008 changed that. Many people out of work saw operating a food truck as a way to get back on their feet while providing customers with affordable, high-quality food. At the same time, the explosion of social media usage allowed food trucks to build buzz and, more importantly, share their location with customers. During the first few years of their renaissance, food trucks grew substantially. By 2011, food trucks were the fastest growing sector of the restaurant industry. __14__ A study revealed that 91% of consumers familiar with food trucks thought trucks were here to stay.
          And stay they have. As food trucks have become a more established industry, they have diversified to keep growing, with many experimenting with new culinary creations or opting to specialize in more healthful offerings. __15__ And many successful food trucks have spun off their own brickand-mortar restaurants.

【題組】11.(AB) With little competition, some vendors let standards slip. (AC) Progressively marginalized, some vendors sought new niches. (AD) Others have started catering private events as a sideline or even their specialty. (AE) Many brick-and-mortar businesses also resented the competition vendors provided. (BC) Some observers thought food trucks were a flash in the pan, but the public saw things differently. (BD) As food trucks became more popular across the country, food truck rallies—where multiple food trucks gather in one location—were born.

難度: 困難

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
Samoyed 高三下 (2024/04/21):
Though food trucks’ current popularity began with the Great Recession in 2008, food trucks have been around for decades, and their lineage goes back even further. During the first few decades of the 20th century, street vending was viewed as a legitimate business that provided work for a growing immigrant population. But as private stores became more popular, small-business owners and the business elite across the country saw ridding the streets of immigrant vendors as a way to modernize their cities. __11__ Dubbing vendors the “pushcart evil,” these established interests lobbied— often successfully—for increasingly restrictive regulations on street vending.
雖然食品卡車的當前流行始於2008年的大衰退,但食品卡車已存在了幾十年,它們的血脈更是可以追溯到更早以前。在20世紀初幾十年裡,街頭攤販被視為一個合法的行業,為不斷增長的移民人口提供了工作。但隨著私營店鋪變得越來越受歡迎,全國各地的小企業主和商業精英們認為清除街上的移民攤販是現代化他們城市的一種方式。 11 這些已建立的利益集團將攤販稱為“推車惡魔”,他們成功地遊說政府對街頭攤販實施了越來越嚴格的限制性法規。
(AE)Many brick-and-mortar businesses also resented the competition vendors provided.

II. Discourse Structure (15 marks)      ..-阿摩線上測驗