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【題組三】下列文章摘錄自介紹臺灣原住民文化的網站,請根據下列文章,回答第 10-11 題
       One of the most accessible events is the ( A ) Festival. This is the ( B ) people’s most important celebration and it’s known as mala-ta-ngia in the tribe’s language; its historical links with the tribe’s hunting culture are obvious from its name. Held in south Taiwan in late April or early May, the festival gets its name from displays of archery skills in which tribesmen shoot at animal ears nailed to a post. That’s just one aspect of the event, which now includes contributions from neighboring tribes plus traditional aboriginal food. (Excerpted from Life of Taiwan.) 


11. 請問下列何者是( B )原住民族的代表樂曲?


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【題組三】下列文章摘錄自介紹臺灣原住民文化的網站,請根據下列文章,回答第 10-..-阿摩線上測驗