
三、閱讀測驗 (每題 2 分,共 20 分) 
        As travelers become more aware of their effect on the planet and want to do their part to make a positive difference and live more sustainably, ecotourism has really taken off. According to the Business Research Company, the global ecotourism market is expected to grow from $157.76 billion in 2021 to $185.43 billion in 2022, reaching a whopping $299.03 billion in 2026. Awareness of our negative impact on the environment is finally on the forefront of many people’s minds. 
      What is ecotourism, exactly, and how is it different from sustainable travel? According to the International Ecotourism Society, ecotourism is defined as “responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the wellbeing of the local people and involves interpretation and education.” Simply put, it’s travel that has a positive impact on a destination’s ecology and economy. Some people use the terms “ecotourism” and “sustainable tourism” interchangeably, but although both have an end goal of helping the environment, there is one major difference. Ecotourism is all about getting out in nature and conserving the natural resources of a specific area, so it doesn’t really apply in urban, big-city environments. Sustainable travel, on the other hand, is broader and includes everything from eliminating singleuse plastics to reducing energy consumption to water conservation to recycling.           Because ecotourism is designed to safeguard the integrity of a natural area’s vulnerable ecosystem, it should allow visitors to experience the beauty of a destination without causing damage. Often, it also lets them participate in activities that benefit the  environment. Another key element of ecotourism is helping local communities thrive. That can happen in a number of ways, all involving some type of financial aspect, from providing jobs to supporting local businesses. It is vital to care for the people who live in a destination—they are, ultimately, the stewards of that land.
        Ecotourism can help the environment in that it helps ensure that a destination’s biodiversity and ecosystems remain protected. For example, because Costa Rica’s rainforest is such a huge draw for visitors, residents work hard to keep it safe rather than deforest it for short-term gains. The money brought into their economy by ecotourism provides, literally, a more sustainable way for their communities and the rainforest itself to thrive. Besides protecting their environment, ecotourism provides jobs for residents, bringing money into areas that may have previously been overlooked. As for travelers, being a responsible traveler makes for a much more satisfying and authentic experience. Instead of simply visiting tourist attractions and eating at chain restaurants, you get to immerse yourself in a local culture and really get to know the people who live there. It enriches your own life and opens your mind to new ideas. It reminds you that you’re a citizen of the world and that it’s up to all of us to take care of the planet we call home. 
       Unfortunately, if travelers don’t follow all its major principles, there can also be a dark side to ecotourism. If ecotourism isn’t properly regulated, it can damage the ecosystems it’s meant to protect. Fragile plants and vegetation may be trampled on, garbage may be left behind and overused trails may result in soil erosion. Also, too many visitors may cause stress to wildlife, disturbing the animals’ natural routines and habitats, displacing them or causing them to change their behavior or get used to humans.        “Ecotourism is an amazing way to discover the world,” says Chandra Wright. “So much of our daily lives is scripted and manufactured. Nature is full of wonder everywhere you look.” Experiencing ecotourism can change our outlook and also make us more eco-conscious, which is great for the environment.

【題組】23.According to the article, which of the following is NOT the benefits of ecotourism?
(A) To preserve a destination’s biodiversity.
(B) To boost the economy of local communities.
(C) To increase tourist of some natural habitats.
(D) To educate people to be more eco-conscious.

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