
請依下文回答第 36 題至 40 題
        People around the world expressed shock and outrage over a series of __36__ attacks in Paris which left many dead. The attacks began shortly before lunchtime on January 7th, when a pair of gunmen entered the offices of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo and opened fire on everyone they encountered. In a matter of minutes, twelve people were dead and another ten were wounded, five of whom were in serious condition. When the assailants exited the building, they were __37__ by a police officer in the street, whom they also shot to death before fleeing the scene __38__ those killed in the magazine’s offices were some of the nation’s most prominent political cartoonists along with a noted economist.
        It quickly became apparent that the attackers were Islamist __39__ who were angry about a series of cartoons that the magazine had published which criticized the Muslim prophet Mohammed. Charlie Hebdo has had a long history of making fun of prominent political and religious figures and had been threatened and even attacked in the past. The scale and brutality of this attack, however, seemed to take everyone by surprise. After a two-day manhunt, the attackers were eventually surrounded by police and killed in an exchange of gunfire as they tried to escape. A day after the attack on the magazine, a separate gunman, working in __40__ with the other two, shot a policewoman to death before taking a number of people hostage in a supermarket. That attacker was also killed by police, but not before murdering four of his captives.

(A) eroticism
(B) innuendo
(C) camouflage
(D) collusion

難度: 困難

倒數 3天 ,已有 1 則答案
Hao 高一上 (2024/05/02):
(A) eroticism色情
(B) innuendo影射
(C) camouflage迷彩
(D) collusion串通

請依下文回答第 36 題至 40 題         People around..-阿摩線上測驗