
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第47 − 50題
       Good news for shopping lovers, as you do not have to feel guilty anymore. Going shopping at the mall often seems to do more than just empty your wallet. As a matter of fact, it may help you live longer. A study done in Taiwan showed that shopping is actually good for people over 65. In a group of 1,850 old people, 28% of men and 23% of women who shopped regularly had a better chance of living longer, compared to those who never shopped or those who went shopping less than once a week. The benefits may come from the physical activity of walking around, and the social interaction and positive mood during shopping. Interestingly, these old people did not necessarily have to buy anything to enjoy these benefits. A news report outlined similar benefits of shopping, such as lifting one’s mood, lowering stress levels, sharpening mental clarity, and providing chances to exercise. 
       Shopping is, however, not always enjoyable for all ages. A study in the UK discovered that even though people there had more money and the economy was doing well, a lot of them felt sad after shopping, especially if they bought something they later regretted. A survey in Europe also found that one-third of shoppers bought things carelessly and sometimes got into debt. The research team conducting the study suggests that stores should be careful not to trick people into buying things they do not need. 
      Shopping appears to have its advantages and disadvantages. For older people, encouraging them to remain active and social through shopping could be valuable. It is also important to advise people to be thoughtful and happy shoppers by planning and preparing carefully before heading to the stores.

【題組】50. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT a suggestion about shopping?
(A) It is good to encourage older people to shop.
(B) It is necessary to ask stores to offer more sales.
(C) It is essential to plan and prepare for shopping.
(D) It is important to be thoughtful before shopping.

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▲ 閱讀下文,回答第47 − 50題       Good news for s..-阿摩線上測驗