
Reading 4: 
       The single greatest enemy of contemporary satisfaction may be the belief in human perfectibility. We have been driven to collective rage through the apparently generous yetin reality devastating idea that it might be within our natural remit to be completely and enduringly happy. 
       For thousands of years, we knew better. We might have been superstitious and credulous, but not without limit. All substantial endeavors—marriage, child-rearing, a career, politics—were understood to be sources of distinctive and elaborate misery. Buddhism described life itself as a vale of suffering; the Greeks insisted on the tragic structure of every human project; Christianity interpreted each of us as being marked by a divine curse. 
       First formulated by the philosopher St Augustine in the closing days of the Roman empire, “original sin” generously insisted that humanity was intrinsically, rather than accidentally flawed. We are broken creatures and have been since our expulsion from Eden, damned—to use the resonant Latin phrase—by peccatum originale. This should feel not like a punishing observation, but more like relief from the pressures of 200 years of scientifically mandated faith in the possibility of progress. 
       There can wisely be “no solutions”, no self-help, of a kind that removes problems altogether. What we can aim for, at best, is consolation—a word tellingly lacking in glamour. To believe in consolation means giving up on cures; it means accepting that life is a hospice rather than a hospital, but one we'd like to render as comfortable, as interesting and as kind as possible. 
       A philosophy of consolation directs us to two important salves: understanding and companionship. Or grasping what our problem is—and knowing that we are not alone with it. Understanding does not magically remove the pain but it has the power to Teduce a Tange of secondary aggravations and fears. At least we know what is racking us and why. Our worst fears are held in check, and tears may be turned into bitter knowledge.
       It helps immensely too to know that we are in company. Despite the upbeat tone of society in general, there is solace in the discovery that everyone else is, in private, of course as bewildered and regretful as we are. This is simply profound relief that we are not the only ones.

【題組】 36. Which of the following sentences best summarizes this passage?
(A) One needs to acknowledge human imperfection and embrace the idea of consolation.
(B) The philosophy of consolation may rescue us from pain and direct us to enduring happiness.
(C)Our beliefin original sin has been detrimental to the possibility of human progress.
(D) It is comforting to know that no man is an island.
(E) Our superstitions and credulity have impeded our capacity to strive for human perfectibility.

難度: 計算中

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
Celeste 小五下 (2024/09/03):

文章強調了承認人類不完美並接受安慰理念的重要性。(emphasize the importance of acknowledging human imperfection and embracing the idea of consolation). 


1. 文章中"Understanding does not magically remove the pain but it has the power to reduce a range of secondary aggravations and fears."
   - 這理強調了理解我們的問題可以幫助減輕一些額外的壓力恐懼,即使它不能完全消除痛苦。

2.文章中 "What we can aim for, at best, is consolation—a word tellingly lacking in glamour.〈我們所能追求的,最多是安慰——一個明顯缺乏魅力的詞。〉
   - 這裡闡述與其尋求完全的解決方案,我們應該追求安慰,這更現實且可達到。
4. 文章中"To believe in consolation means giving up on cures; it means accepting that life is a hospice rather than a hospital."相信安慰意味著放棄治療;這意味著接受生活是一個安寧病房而不是醫院。」
("Hospice" 的意思是指專門為臨終病人提供照護的機構,特別是那些患有末期疾病(如癌症)的病人。這些機構提供症狀緩解、情緒支持和靈性照顧,以改善病人和其家屬的生活品質
   - 這裡也印證了生活應該解決問題更勝於完全治癒

所以答案是(A)Support the idea that acknowledging human imperfection and embracing consolation are essential for coping with life's inherent difficulties.
根據以上文字,以下是選項 B、C、D 和 E 的錯誤之處:

(B) The philosophy of consolation may rescue us from pain and direct us to enduring happiness.
- 錯誤原因:文章強調的是安慰(consolation)能幫助我們減輕痛苦,但並沒有提到它能帶來持久的幸福。相反,文章指出安慰是一種現實且可達到的目標,而不是完全解決問題或達到持久幸福。

(C) Our belief in original sin has been detrimental to the possibility of human progress.
- 錯誤原因:文章提到原罪(original sin)是由聖奧古斯丁提出的,並且這一觀點讓我們認識到人類本質上的缺陷,但並沒有說這種信仰阻礙了人類進步。相反,文章似乎認為這種觀點可以減輕我們對進步的壓力。




1. These chemicals have a detrimental effect on the environment.


2. Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health.


3. Their decision could be detrimental to the future of the company.

他們的決定可能會對公司的未來產生不利 影響。

(D) It is comforting to know that no man is an island.
- 錯誤原因:雖然文章確實提到了解我們並不孤單是有安慰作用的,但這並不是文章的主要論點。文章的重點在於理解的重要性,而不是單純地強調「沒有人是孤島」。

(E) Our superstitions and credulity have impeded our capacity to strive for human perfectibility.
- 錯誤原因:文章提到過去我們可能迷信和輕信,但並沒有說這阻礙了我們追求完美。相反,文章批評的是現代對人類完美性的信仰,認為這種信仰是當代滿意度的最大敵人。


His credulity made him an easy target for scams.
   - 他的輕信讓他成為詐騙的容易目標。

1. The heavy traffic impeded our progress.
   - 交通擁擠妨礙了我們的進展。
2. His injury impeded his ability to play sports.
   - 他的傷勢妨礙了他參加運動的能力。

因此,選項 A 是最能代表文章主旨的選項。

Reading 4:        The single greatest en..-阿摩線上測驗