Exam P:Probability機率題庫下載題庫

155. A policy covers a gas furnace for one year. During that year, only one of three problems can occur:
i) The igniter switch may need to be replaced at a cost of 60. There is a 0.10 probability of this.
ii) The pilot light may need to be replaced at a cost of 200. There is a 0.05 probability of this.
iii) The furnace may need to be replaced at a cost of 3000. There is a 0.01 probability of this.

Calculate the deductible that would produce an expected claim payment of 30.
(A) 100
(B) At least 100 but less than 150
(C) At least 150 but less than 200
(D) At least 200 but less than 250
(E) At least 250

難度: 計算中

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155. A policy covers a gas furnace for o..-阿摩線上測驗