

6. Given the following standard reduction potentials at 25 ℃:
In a galvanic cell, the copper compartment contains a copper electrode and [Cu2+] = 1.00 M. The zinc compartment contains a zinc electrode and Zn2+at an unknown concentration. The compartment containing the zinc (1.00 L of solution) was titrated with 0.600 M H2EDTA2-, resulting in the reaction: The potential of the cell was monitored to determine the stoichiometric point for the process, which occurred when 400.0 mL of H2EDTA2- solution was added. What is Ecell at the halfway point of titration?
(B) 1.07V
(C) 1.10V
(D)1.13 V
(E) 1.16 V

6. Given the following standard reductio..-阿摩線上測驗