【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


31. Bob: _____
Rob: Do you have your charger with you?
Bob: No, I left it at home.
Rob: You can use mine if you want. I have a spare one.
(A) I am in charge of it.
(B) My phone needs charging.
(C) It needs to be changed.
(D) My phone is charging.

難度: 非常簡單

倒數 5天 ,已有 2 則答案
YA!112以榜首之姿上岸 大四下 (2024/05/27):
31. Bob: _____
Rob: Do you have your charger with you?(你有充電器嗎?)
Bob: No, I left it at home.(不,我把它留在家裡了)
Rob: You can use mine if you want. I have a spare one.(如果你願意,你可以用我的。我有一個備用的)
(A) I am in charge of it.(我負責它。)
(B) My phone needs charging.(我的手機需要充電。)
(C) It needs to be changed.(需要更改)
(D) My phone is charging.(我的手機正在充電。)

ʕ•ﻌ•ʔฅYen(112 大四下 (2024/05/27):

Bob: _____

Rob: Do you have your charger with you?

Bob: No, I left it at home.

Rob: You can use mine if you want. I have a spare one.

(A) I am in charge of it. 我負責它。

(B) My phone needs charging. 我的手機需要充電。

(C) It needs to be changed. 它需要更換。

(D) My phone is charging. 我的手機在充電。

答案: (B) My phone needs charging.

理由: Bob 說他的手機需要充電,與 Rob 後面的對話內容相符。

31. Bob: _____Rob: Do you have your char..-阿摩線上測驗