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42. The pandemic has reminded us that _____ the future from the recent past can be falsely reassuring.
(A) modelling
(B) living
(C) working
(D) coating

難度: 計算中

倒數 5天 ,已有 1 則答案
7Rose 國一下 (2024/06/12):
he pandemic has reminded us that _____ the future from the recent past can be falsely reassuring.”(疫情提醒我們,從最近的過去_____未來可能會給人一種虛假的安慰感。)

A) modelling

  • 中文意思:建模、模擬
  • 詞性:動名詞
  • 常見搭配詞:modelling the future(模擬未來)、modelling data(建模數據)、modelling scenarios(模擬場景)
  • 例句
    • "The pandemic has reminded us that modelling the future from the recent past can be falsely reassuring."(疫情提醒我們,從最近的過去模擬未來可能會給人一種虛假的安慰感。)
    • "Modelling different scenarios helps in understanding potential outcomes."(模擬不同的場景有助於了解潛在的結果。)

(B) living

  • 中文意思:生活、居住
  • 詞性:動名詞
  • 常見搭配詞:living a healthy life(過健康的生活)、living in the moment(活在當下)、living conditions(生活條件)
  • 例句
    • "Living in the city has its own challenges and rewards."(生活在城市有其挑戰和回報。)
    • "Many people are now focused on living sustainably."(許多人現在專注於可持續生活。)

(C) working

  • 中文意思:工作
  • 詞性:動名詞
  • 常見搭配詞:working from home(在家工作)、working conditions(工作條件)、working hours(工作時間)
  • 例句
    • "Working remotely has become more common during the pandemic."(在疫情期間,遠程工作變得更加普遍。)
    • "They are working hard to meet the deadline."(他們正在努力趕在截止日期前完成。)

(D) coating

  • 中文意思:塗層、覆蓋
  • 詞性:動名詞
  • 常見搭配詞:coating with paint(塗漆)、protective coating(保護塗層)、coating process(塗層工藝)
  • 例句
    • "The coating on the metal surface prevents rust."(金屬表面的塗層可以防止生銹。)
    • "They are coating the walls with a new type of paint."(他們正在用新型油漆塗覆牆壁。)

42. The pandemic has reminded us that __..-阿摩線上測驗