
Approximate 50 percent of the US honey bee colonies have been wiped out from 1971 to 2007. The _____36_____ of honey bees could be a catastrophe of human beings. Massive food shortages would happen _____37_____ bees play a crucial role in pollinating flowering plants. The reasons of the depopulation of bees are still unsolved; _____38_____ , there are some assumptions. First, beekeepers blamed a pesticide called Fipronil for the killer of bees, even though the bee experts haven’t proved it. Another deadly reason could be a new disease. _____39_____ , it is supposed that the radiation from cellphones may jam the signals from bees' navigation systems. This interference may prevent bees _____40_____ finding their way back to the hives and make those homeless bees to die in the wilds. The whole plot seems to be incredible; nonetheless, it cautions that the changes could lead to a disaster.
【題組】 36
(A) existence
(B) disappearance
(C) subsistence
(D) disablement

難度: 簡單
ChiaHui(107新北 國三上 (2019/04/02)
(A) existence 存在,實在(☆) ...


Approximate 50 percent of the US honey b..-阿摩線上測驗