
請依下文回答第 43 題至第 46 題
       On average Americans chew about 300 sticks of gum per person a year. Why is chewing gum so popular? Somepeople say that it not only helps you relax but also helps you stay awake. Others chew gum after a meal to have freshbreath. It can help fight tooth decay as well. But few people know that there is an even better reason for chewing gum—it can improve memory!
    In an experiment, the scientists divided 75 people into three groups. One third chewed real gum, one third chewedimaginary gum, and the last third didn’t chew anything. Then, each group was given a lot of different memory tests. Theresults were very interesting. The people with real gum did better than those with imaginary gum, and the latter did betterthan those who didn’t have any gum at all.
     How does chewing gum help memory? One possible reason is that when people chew, there is more activity in anarea of the brain that is important for memory. Another possible reason is that when people chew, their heart beats fasterso more oxygen goes to the brain. So, do you have an exam coming up? Start chewing now!

【題組】 45 What does “the latter” refer to in the passage?
(A) The people with real gum.
(B) The people with imaginary gum.
(C) The people without gum.
(D) The people in the experiment.

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如有幫到您,拜託給個5星好 高三下 (2024/06/20):


"The people with real gum did better than those with imaginary gum, and the latter did better than those who didn’t have any gum at all."

在這段話中,“the latter” 是指“those with imaginary gum”,即咀嚼假想口香糖的人。因此,正確答案是 (B) The people with imaginary gum


請依下文回答第 43 題至第 46 題       On average Ame..-阿摩線上測驗