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請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題
        In New Zealand’s Westland District the closure of the local indigenous timber industry alongside rapid growthof the dairy and tourism sectors has produced dilemmas for families and communities as they attempt to adjust tothe social consequences of rapid industry change. Drawing on a social capital perspective and a case study of 12Westland families, this project examines how rural families bring balance to aspects of the three actions defined byArendt as being essential to the human condition: family, work and community life. The findings reveal significantinsights into how social capital is effectively reproduced in times of change. These insights are discussed in termsof their social policy implications.
        Fifty years ago Hannah Arendt published The Human Condition. In this work she contended that there arethree types of action required to be “fully human.” The first two of these actions, engagement in family life and paidwork, are necessary for human existence in contemporary society. The third action she called vita activa, or publiclife: a life that is actioned within jointly built civil spaces. Within these spaces we are capable of debate, we shareactions and we resolve collective dilemmas. Arendt reminds us that the absence of, or over-attention to, any oneaspect of the human condition is likely to be problematic.
         A half a century on from Arendt’s original thesis, public policy continues to debate aspects of vita activa anddemocratic governments still seek to engage vita activa in economically and socially productive ways. Working outthe shifting balance between family life, paid work and vita activa is a crucial aspect of responding effectively tosignificant social change, be it local issues (such as natural disaster relief) or meeting the challenges that arise as aconsequence of external or global forces (such as the loss of a core industry). The concept of social capital has beenused as a way to recognise and gauge vita activa.
         The term “social capital” originated, in part, in an attempt to understand how features of social organisation, suchas trust, norms and networks can improve the efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated actions. Voluntary orjoint social actions provide the opportunity to resolve collective dilemmas. Individuals achieve this through thedevelopment and use of social bonds and networks as resources to facilitate productive activity. By maintaining thesocial relationships and structures necessary for collective activity, individuals, families and communities are able torealise some of these benefits, and in doing so can resolve some of the issues they face in common.

【題組】49 According to the passage, what is the main value of social capital?
(A) It provides volunteers with crucial funding for social charity work.
(B) It helps a community to share power and resources more equally.
(C) It offers a hope for the unemployed people to start their new careers.
(D) It enables a community to deal with its problems via joint efforts and actions.

難度: 簡單

倒數 7時 ,已有 2 則答案
如有幫到您,拜託給個5星好 高三下 (2024/06/20):
(A) 它為志願者提供了社會慈善工作所需的關鍵資金。
(B) 它幫助社區更平等地分享權力和資源。
(C) 它為失業者提供了開始新事業的希望。
(D) 它使社區能夠通過共同努力和行動來解決問題。

水超人 小五上 (2024/06/23):
49 According to the passage, what is the main value of social capital?
(A) It provides volunteers with crucial funding for social charity work.
(B) It helps a community to share power and resources more equally.
(C) It offers a hope for the unemployed people to start their new careers.
(D) It enables a community to deal with its problems via joint efforts and actions.
(A) 它為社會慈善工作提供志願者所需的關鍵資金
(B) 它幫助社區更平等地分享權力和資源。
(C) 它為失業人士開始新職業提供了希望。
(D) 它使社區能夠通過共同努力和行動解決問題。
In New Zealand’s Westland District the closure of the local indigenous timber industry alongside rapid growth of the dairy and tourism sectors has produced dilemmas for families and communities as they attempt to adjust to the social consequences of rapid industry change. Drawing on a social capital perspective and a case study of 12 Westland families, this project examines how rural families bring balance to aspects of the three actions defined by Arendt as being essential to the human condition: family, work and community life. The findings reveal significantinsights into how social capital is effectively reproduced in times of change. These insights are discussed in terms of their social policy implications.
closure [ˈkloʊʒər] (n.): 關閉
local [ˈloʊkəl] (adj.): 當地的
indigenous [ɪnˈdɪdʒənəs] (adj.): 本地的,土著的
timber [ˈtɪmbər] (n.): 木材
industry [ˈɪndəstri] (n.): 行業,產業
alongside [əˌlɔːŋˈsaɪd] (prep.): 與...一起,並排
rapid [ˈræpɪd] (adj.): 快速的
growth [ɡroʊθ] (n.): 增長,發展
dairy [ˈdɛri] (n.): 乳製品,乳業
tourism [ˈtʊrɪzəm] (n.): 旅遊業
sectors [ˈsɛktərz] (n.): 部門,行業
produce [prəˈdus] (v.): 生產,產生
dilemmas [dɪˈlɛmə] (n.): 困境
families [ˈfæməliz] (n.): 家庭
communities [kəˈmjunɪtiz] (n.): 社區
attempt [əˈtɛmpt] (v.): 嘗試
adjust [əˈdʒʌst] (v.): 調整,適應
social [ˈsoʊʃəl] (adj.): 社會的
consequences [ˈkɑnsəˌkwɛnsəz] (n.): 後果
change [tʃeɪndʒ] (n.): 變化
drawing on [ˈdrɔɪŋ ɑn] (ph.): 利用,借鑒
social capital [ˈsoʊʃəl ˈkæpɪtl] (ph.): 社會資本
perspective [pərˈspɛktɪv] (n.): 觀點
case study [keɪs ˈstʌdi] (ph.): 案例研究
rural [ˈrʊrəl] (adj.): 農村的
balance [ˈbæləns] (v./n.): 平衡
aspects [ˈæsˌpɛkts] (n.): 方面
actions [ˈækʃənz] (n.): 行為
defined [dɪˈfaɪnd] (v.): 定義
essential [ɪˈsɛnʃəl] (adj.): 必要的
human condition [ˈhjumən kənˈdɪʃən] (ph.): 人類狀況
family life [ˈfæmɪli laɪf] (ph.): 家庭生活
work [wɜrk] (n.): 工作
community life [kəˈmjunɪti laɪf] (ph.): 社區生活
findings [ˈfaɪndɪŋz] (n.): 發現
reveal [rɪˈvil] (v.): 揭示
significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] (adj.): 顯著的
insights [ˈɪnˌsaɪts] (n.): 洞察力
effectively [ɪˈfɛktɪvli] (adv.): 有效地
reproduced [ˌriprəˈdust] (v.): 再現
times of change [taɪmz ʌv tʃeɪndʒ] (ph.): 變革時期
discussed [dɪˈskʌst] (v.): 討論
in terms of [ɪn tɜrmz ʌv] (ph.): 從...方面
social policy [ˈsoʊʃəl ˈpɑləsi] (ph.): 社會政策
implications [ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃənz] (n.): 影響
Fifty years ago Hannah Arendt published The Human Condition. In this work she contended that there are three types of action required to befully human.” The first two of these actions, engagement in family life and paid work, are necessary for human existence in contemporary society. The third action she called vita activa, or public life: a life that is actioned within jointly built civil spaces. Within these spaces we are capable of debate, we share actions and we resolve collective dilemmas. Arendt reminds us that the absence of, or over-attention to, any one aspect of the human condition is likely to be problematic.
Fifty [ˈfɪfti] (num.): 五十
years [jɪrz] (n.): 年
ago [əˈɡoʊ] (adv.): 以前
published [ˈpʌblɪʃt] (v.): 出版
The Human Condition [ðə ˈhjumən kənˈdɪʃən] (n.): 人的條件 (書名)
contended [kənˈtɛndɪd] (v.): 主張
there are [ðɛr ɑr] (ph.): 有
three [θri] (num.): 三
types [taɪps] (n.): 類型
action [ˈækʃən] (n.): 行動
required [rɪˈkwaɪərd] (v.): 需要
to be [tu bi] (ph.): 成為
“fully human” [ˈfʊli ˈhjumən] (ph.): 完全人性
first [fɜrst] (adj.): 第一
two [tu] (num.): 兩
actions [ˈækʃənz] (n.): 行動
engagement [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒmənt] (n.): 參與
in [ɪn] (prep.): 在
family life [ˈfæmɪli laɪf] (ph.): 家庭生活
paid work [peɪd wɜrk] (ph.): 有償工作
necessary [ˈnɛsəˌsɛri] (adj.): 必需的
for [fɔr] (prep.): 為了
human existence [ˈhjumən ɪɡˈzɪstəns] (ph.): 人類存在
in [ɪn] (prep.): 在
contemporary society [kənˈtɛmpəˌrɛri səˈsaɪəti] (ph.): 當代社會
third [θɜrd] (adj.): 第三
called [kɔld] (v.): 稱為
vita activa [ˈviːtə ækˈtiːvə] (n.): 活躍生活
public life [ˈpʌblɪk laɪf] (ph.): 公共生活
life [laɪf] (n.): 生活
that is [ðæt ɪz] (ph.): 即是
actioned [ˈækʃənd] (v.): 執行
within [wɪˈðɪn] (prep.): 在...內
jointly built [ˈʤɔɪntli bɪlt] (ph.): 共同建設的
civil spaces [ˈsɪvəl ˈspeɪsəz] (ph.): 公共空間
spaces [speɪsɪz] (n.): 空間
capable [ˈkeɪpəbl] (adj.): 能夠
of [əv] (prep.): 的
debate [dɪˈbeɪt] (v.): 辯論
we [wi] (pron.): 我們
share [ʃɛr] (v.): 分享
actions [ˈækʃənz] (n.): 行動
resolve [rɪˈzɑlv] (v.): 解決
collective dilemmas [kəˈlɛktɪv dɪˈlɛmə] (ph.): 集體困境
reminds [rɪˈmaɪndz] (v.): 提醒
absence [ˈæbsəns] (n.): 缺乏
or [ɔr] (conj.): 或
over-attention [ˈoʊvər əˈtɛnʃən] (ph.): 過度關注
any one aspect [ˈɛni wʌn ˈæspɛkt] (ph.): 任何一個方面
likely [ˈlaɪkli] (adj.): 可能的
to be [tu bi] (ph.): 成為
problematic [ˌprɑbləˈmætɪk] (adj.): 有問題的
A half a century on from Arendt’s original thesis, public policy continues to debate aspects of vita activa and democratic governments still seek to engage vita activa in economically and socially productive ways. Working out the shifting balance between family life, paid work and vita activa is a crucial aspect of responding effectively to significant social change, be it local issues (such as natural disaster relief) or meeting the challenges that arise as a consequence of external or global forces (such as the loss of a core industry). The concept of social capital has been used as a way to recognise and gauge vita activa.
距離鄂蘭最初的論文已有半個世紀,公共政策仍在討論vita activa的各個方面,民主政府仍在尋求以經濟和社會生產性方式參與vita activa。調整家庭生活、有薪工作和vita activa之間不斷變動的平衡,是有效應對重大社會變遷的關鍵因素,無論是處理本地問題(如自然災害救援),還是應對外部或全球力量帶來的挑戰(如核心產業的損失)。社會資本的概念被用來認識和評估vita activa。
half [hæf] (n.): 一半
century [ˈsɛnʧəri] (n.): 世紀
on [ɑn] (prep.): 從,起
from [frəm] (prep.): 從
original [əˈrɪdʒɪnəl] (adj.): 原始的
thesis [ˈθisɪs] (n.): 論文
public [ˈpʌblɪk] (adj.): 公共的
policy [ˈpɑləsi] (n.): 政策
continues [kənˈtɪnjuz] (v.): 繼續
debate [dɪˈbeɪt] (v.): 辯論
aspects [ˈæsˌpɛkts] (n.): 方面
vita activa [ˈviːtə ækˈtiːvə] (n.): 活躍生活
democratic [ˌdɛməˈkrætɪk] (adj.): 民主的
governments [ˈɡʌvərnmənts] (n.): 政府
still [stɪl] (adv.): 仍然
seek [sik] (v.): 尋求
engage [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ] (v.): 參與
in [ɪn] (prep.): 在
economically [ˌikəˈnɑmɪkli] (adv.): 經濟上
socially [ˈsoʊʃəli] (adv.): 社會上
productive [prəˈdʌktɪv] (adj.): 生產的
ways [weɪz] (n.): 方式
working out [ˈwɜrkɪŋ aʊt] (ph.): 解決
shifting [ˈʃɪftɪŋ] (adj.): 變化的
balance [ˈbæləns] (n.): 平衡
between [bɪˈtwin] (prep.): 之間
family life [ˈfæmɪli laɪf] (ph.): 家庭生活
paid work [peɪd wɜrk] (ph.): 有償工作
crucial [ˈkruʃəl] (adj.): 關鍵的
aspect [ˈæsˌpɛkt] (n.): 方面
responding [rɪˈspɑndɪŋ] (v.): 回應
effectively [ɪˈfɛktɪvli] (adv.): 有效地
significant [sɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt] (adj.): 重要的
social change [ˈsoʊʃəl ʧeɪndʒ] (ph.): 社會變革
local issues [ˈloʊkəl ˈɪʃuz] (ph.): 當地問題
natural disaster [ˈnæʧərəl dɪˈzæstər] (ph.): 自然災害
relief [rɪˈlif] (n.): 救援
meeting [ˈmitɪŋ] (v.): 應對
challenges [ˈʧælɪndʒɪz] (n.): 挑戰
arise [əˈraɪz] (v.): 出現
consequence [ˈkɑnsəkwəns] (n.): 結果
external [ɪkˈstɜrnəl] (adj.): 外部的
global [ˈɡloʊbəl] (adj.): 全球的
forces [fɔrsɪz] (n.): 力量
such as [sʌʧ æz] (ph.): 例如
loss [lɔs] (n.): 喪失
core industry [kɔr ˈɪndəstri] (ph.): 核心產業
concept [ˈkɑnsɛpt] (n.): 概念
social capital [ˈsoʊʃəl ˈkæpɪtl] (ph.): 社會資本
used [juzd] (v.): 使用
recognise [ˈrɛkəɡˌnaɪz] (v.): 認識
gauge [ɡeɪdʒ] (v.): 衡量
The term “social capital” originated, in part, in an attempt to understand how features of social organisation, such as trust, norms and networks can improve the efficiency of society by facilitating coordinated actions. Voluntary or joint social actions provide the opportunity to resolve collective dilemmas. Individuals achieve this through the development and use of social bonds and networks as resources to facilitate productive activity. By maintaining the social relationships and structures necessary for collective activity, individuals, families and communities are able to realise some of these benefits, and in doing so can resolve some of the issues they face in common.
term [tɜrm] (n.): 術語
social capital [ˈsoʊʃəl ˈkæpɪtl] (ph.): 社會資本
originated [əˈrɪdʒɪˌneɪtɪd] (v.): 起源
in part [ɪn pɑrt] (ph.): 部分地
attempt [əˈtɛmpt] (n.): 嘗試
understand [ˌʌndərˈstænd] (v.): 理解
how [haʊ] (adv.): 如何
features [ˈfiʧərz] (n.): 特徵
social organisation [ˈsoʊʃəl ˌɔrɡənɪˈzeɪʃən] (ph.): 社會組織
such as [sʌʧ æz] (ph.): 例如
trust [trʌst] (n.): 信任
norms [nɔrmz] (n.): 規範
networks [ˈnɛtwɜrks] (n.): 網絡
improve [ɪmˈpruv] (v.): 改善
efficiency [ɪˈfɪʃənsi] (n.): 效率
society [səˈsaɪəti] (n.): 社會
by [baɪ] (prep.): 通過
facilitating [fəˈsɪlɪˌteɪtɪŋ] (v.): 促進
coordinated [koʊˈɔrdɪˌneɪtɪd] (adj.): 協調的
actions [ˈækʃənz] (n.): 行動
voluntary [ˈvɑlənˌtɛri] (adj.): 自願的
or [ɔr] (conj.): 或
joint [ʤɔɪnt] (adj.): 聯合的
social actions [ˈsoʊʃəl ˈækʃənz] (ph.): 社會行動
provide [prəˈvaɪd] (v.): 提供
opportunity [ˌɑpərˈtunɪti] (n.): 機會
to resolve [tə rɪˈzɑlv] (ph.): 解決
collective dilemmas [kəˈlɛktɪv dɪˈlɛməz] (ph.): 集體困境
individuals [ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəlz] (n.): 個人
achieve [əˈʧiv] (v.): 達成
through [θru] (prep.): 通過
development [dɪˈvɛləpmənt] (n.): 發展
use [jus] (v.): 使用
social bonds [ˈsoʊʃəl bɑndz] (ph.): 社會聯繫
networks [ˈnɛtwɜrks] (n.): 網絡
as [æz] (prep.): 作為
resources [ˈrisɔrsɪz] (n.): 資源
to facilitate [tə fəˈsɪlɪˌteɪt] (ph.): 促進
productive [prəˈdʌktɪv] (adj.): 生產的
activity [ækˈtɪvəti] (n.): 活動
by maintaining [baɪ meɪnˈteɪnɪŋ] (ph.): 通過維持
social relationships [ˈsoʊʃəl rɪˈleɪʃənˌʃɪps] (ph.): 社會關係
and [ænd] (conj.): 和
structures [ˈstrʌkʧərz] (n.): 結構
necessary [ˈnɛsəˌsɛri] (adj.): 必要的
for [fɔr] (prep.): 為了
collective activity [kəˈlɛktɪv ækˈtɪvəti] (ph.): 集體活動
individuals [ˌɪndəˈvɪdʒuəlz] (n.): 個人
families [ˈfæməliz] (n.): 家庭
communities [kəˈmjunɪtiz] (n.): 社區
able [ˈeɪbəl] (adj.): 能夠
to realise [tə ˈriəˌlaɪz] (ph.): 實現
some [sʌm] (adj.): 一些
these [ðiz] (adj.): 這些
benefits [ˈbɛnəˌfɪts] (n.): 好處
and [ænd] (conj.): 和
in doing so [ɪn ˈduɪŋ soʊ] (ph.): 這樣做
can resolve [kæn rɪˈzɑlv] (ph.): 能解決
issues [ˈɪʃuz] (n.): 問題
face [feɪs] (v.): 面對
in common [ɪn ˈkɑmən] (ph.): 共同
五十年前,漢娜·鄂蘭出版了《人的條件》。她在這部作品中認為,要成為“完全的人”,需要三種行動。其中前兩個行動,即參與家庭生活和有償工作,在當代社會中對人類的生存至關重要。第三個行動被稱為vita activa,或公共生活:即在共同建設的公共空間中進行行動的生活。在這些空間中,我們能夠進行辯論,分享行動,解決集體困境。鄂蘭提醒我們,人類條件的任何一個方面的缺失或過度關注都可能帶來問題。
五十年來,從鄂蘭最初的論文開始,公共政策繼續就vita activa的各個方面進行辯論,民主政府仍在尋求以經濟和社會生產方式來參與vita activa。解決家庭生活、有償工作和vita activa之間不斷變化的平衡是有效應對重大社會變革的重要方面,無論是地方性問題(如自然災害救助)還是應對外部或全球力量引起的挑戰(如核心產業的損失)。社會資本的概念被用來認識和評估vita activa。

請依下文回答第 46 題至第 50 題         In New Zeala..-阿摩線上測驗