【詳解卡新福利】寫作批改懸賞券,將於 2024/09/30 23:59:59 過期,還沒使用或領取,趕快前往領取並使用吧! 前往查看


請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題
        Motoring across the calm waters of the South China Sea, Taiwanese captain Lu Wen-shiung recalls theold days, when Chinese and Taiwanese fishers used to meet behind rocky headlands, anchoring their boats outof the authorities’ sight, to share a meal. There was less surveillance then, and the two sides were more friendly,fishing the same waters, occasionally selling to each other on the sly. “We were like brothers, we had a goodrelationship, they would even cook for us,” he says. “But…now the control has become stricter, the [Chinese]coast guard will call me if the boats are too close.” Now a tour boat captain, Lu says if he even gets close tothe prohibited waters line-a de facto sea border with China-he’ll get a swift warning over the radio fromthe coast guard. Lu and his boat are travelling through the busy waters surrounding Kinmen County, anarchipelago controlled by Taiwan but sitting just kilometers away from China.
        Chinese officials have publicly rejected the existence of the prohibited waters line. Such a statementis consistent with Beijing’s claim over Taiwan, but the line had been tacitly respected since its demarcationin the 1990s. The Chinese Communist party [CCP] government claims Taiwan (including Kinmen) as aChinese province, and has become increasingly hostile in its pursuit of annexation, as Taiwan’sgovernment and people only grow more opposed. Despite the political tensions that exist, Kinmen-Xiamenis one area where official cooperation has actually managed to continue, with joint efforts to crack downon illegal fishing and smuggling, and on search and rescue missions. But a fatal capsize of a “three-noes”boat-no name, no registration, no flag-last month has threatened to derail it and raised serious questionsabout the strength of the border.

【題組】57 What does “de facto” mean in paragraph one?
(A) By legal right
(B) In theory
(C) In practice
(D) Fabricated

難度: 計算中

倒數 2天 ,已有 1 則答案
如有幫到您,拜託給個5星好 高三下 (2024/09/17):
答案是 (C) In practice。
“De facto” 意指「實際上」,用來形容雖然在法律上未必正式承認,但在現實中已經如此運作或存在的事物。因此,在段落中,“de facto sea border” 是指實際上存在的海上邊界,雖然可能沒有正式法律的承認。

請依下文回答第 56 題至第 60 題        Motoring acro..-阿摩線上測驗