
4. A: Do you really want to work in the theater? It’s hard to make a living as an actor.
B: Yeah, I know. I should probably ________ in case I can’t make ends meet.
(A) have a backup plan
(B) take a calculated risk
(C) win fair and square
(D) lounge around

難度: 計算中

倒數 2天 ,已有 2 則答案
7Rose 國一下 (2024/07/05):

A: Do you really want to work in the theater? It’s hard to make a living as an actor. B: Yeah, I know. I should probably ________ in case I can’t make ends meet. 
(A) have a backup plan (B) take a calculated risk (C) win fair and square (D) lounge around

A: 你真的想在劇院工作嗎?作為演員很難謀生。  
B: 是的,我知道。我可能應該________以防無法維持生計。

(A) 有備用計劃  
(B) 承擔有計劃的風險  
(C) 公平競爭獲勝  
(D) 閒逛
Kelly Yu 國三上 (2024/09/05):
4. A: Do you really want to work in the theater? It’s hard to make a living as an actor.
B: Yeah, I know. I should probably ________ in case I can’t make ends meet.
(A) have a backup plan 有備案
(B) take a calculated risk  承擔 "值得冒的風險"
(C) win fair and square  贏得光明正大
(D) lounge around  悠閒度日,消磨時間。

4. A: Do you really want to work in the ..-阿摩線上測驗