
III. Cloze Questions 21-40: Choose the BEST answer for each blank in the passages.
        The intuitive system at Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go stores allows customers to simply pick up an item and leave without traditional checkout. This system, called “Just Walk Out,” uses sensors and artificial intelligence (AI) to calculate purchases, and customers are automatically billed. However, in April, reports claimed that the system did not use AI but relied __(21)__ 1,000 employees in India to manually verify nearly three-quarters of the transactions. Amazon quickly denied these reports, asserting that Indian employees only evaluated the system and that human reviewers were standard for ensuring accuracy in AI systems.
       This situation highlights a growing issue: companies making grand claims about using AI, a practice __(22)__ “AI washing,” akin to “greenwashing” in environmental claims. It’s essential to understand what AI truly means. Though lacking a precise definition, AI refers to computers learning and solving problems after __(23)__ training. One prominent type of AI is generative AI, which creates new contents like conversations, music scores, or pictures. 
       AI washing takes many forms. Some companies exaggerate their AI capabilities, while others merely incorporate AI chatbots into non-AI software. According to a tech investment fund company, only 10% of tech startups mentioned AI in their __(24)__ in 2022, but this rose to 25% in 2023 and is expected to exceed a third in 2024. Competition for funding drives companies to overstate their AI capabilities. Another tech investment firm found that 40% of companies claiming to be “AI-enabled” in 2019 did not actually use AI. The problem persists today, with companies buying “AI capabilities” but only adding chatbots to non-intelligent products.
        An expert highlighted that the lack of a unified definition of AI contributes to AI washing. This __(25)__ allows for inflated claims about AI, leading to overvalued technology and unmet expectations, eroding trust in genuine AI innovations. Regulators, such as the US Securities and Exchange Commission, are beginning to address this issue, charging firms for making false AI-related claims.

(A) extensive
(B) intransitive
(C) adoptive
(D) vindictive

難度: 計算中

倒數 1天 ,已有 2 則答案
Celeste 小五下 (2024/07/27):

Though lacking a precise definition, Al refers to computers learning and solving problems after <extensive> training."

中文翻譯:“雖然缺乏精確的定義,AI是指計算 機在經過廣泛的訓練後學習和解決問題。

”選擇extensiv是因為它最適合描述 AI 系統所需的訓練量


◆例句: In the meeting, they had fairly extensive discussions about the case


- intransitive:不及物的,

In this dictionary, verbs which are intransitive are marked 
■transitive verb及物動詞

- adoptive:收養或採用的過程,與訓練量無關。Adoptive:這個詞的意思是「收養的」 或「採用的」,通常用來描述人或動物被 收養的情況。例如,“adoptive parents" (養父母)

- vindictive:這個詞表示報復心強的,與訓練量完全無關。。
例句In the movie "Cape Fear", a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.


因此,extensive(大量的、廣泛的)是唯一能準確描述 AI 系統需要大量訓練的選項。


1. Intensive深刻的;高度集中;詳盡的):
   - 這個詞通常用來描述某事物的強度或集中程度。例如,"intensive training"(強化訓練)表示訓練非常密集且集中。
   - 例句:The students underwent intensive training to prepare for the competition.(學生們進行了強化訓練以準備比賽。)

2. Extensive(範圍或數量大;深遠;全面;寬廣):
   - 這個詞用來描述某事物的範圍或覆蓋面。例如,"extensive research"(廣泛的研究)表示研究範圍很大,涵蓋了很多方面。
   - 例句:The scientist conducted extensive research on climate change.(科學家對氣候變化進行了廣泛的研究。)

在描述 AI 訓練時,"sufficient"(足夠的)和 "extensive"(廣泛的)更能準確表達訓練的量和質,而 "intensive" 則強調訓練的強度和集中度。這些詞都可以根據具體情況來使用
☆精讀 (Intensive Reading) 和泛讀(Extensive Reading)
鄰近重大考期 不接受邀請 大一下 (2024/07/28):



(A) extensive - 廣泛的、大量的
(B) intransitive - 不及物的(這個詞語法用語,不合適)
(C) adoptive - 收養的(這個詞與句子主題無關)
(D) vindictive - 報復性的(這個詞與句子主題無關)


(A) extensive - 廣泛的、大量的


III. Cloze Questions 21-40: Choose the B..-阿摩線上測驗