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III. Cloze Questions 21-40: Choose the BEST answer for each blank in the passages.
        The intuitive system at Amazon Fresh and Amazon Go stores allows customers to simply pick up an item and leave without traditional checkout. This system, called “Just Walk Out,” uses sensors and artificial intelligence (AI) to calculate purchases, and customers are automatically billed. However, in April, reports claimed that the system did not use AI but relied __(21)__ 1,000 employees in India to manually verify nearly three-quarters of the transactions. Amazon quickly denied these reports, asserting that Indian employees only evaluated the system and that human reviewers were standard for ensuring accuracy in AI systems.
       This situation highlights a growing issue: companies making grand claims about using AI, a practice __(22)__ “AI washing,” akin to “greenwashing” in environmental claims. It’s essential to understand what AI truly means. Though lacking a precise definition, AI refers to computers learning and solving problems after __(23)__ training. One prominent type of AI is generative AI, which creates new contents like conversations, music scores, or pictures. 
       AI washing takes many forms. Some companies exaggerate their AI capabilities, while others merely incorporate AI chatbots into non-AI software. According to a tech investment fund company, only 10% of tech startups mentioned AI in their __(24)__ in 2022, but this rose to 25% in 2023 and is expected to exceed a third in 2024. Competition for funding drives companies to overstate their AI capabilities. Another tech investment firm found that 40% of companies claiming to be “AI-enabled” in 2019 did not actually use AI. The problem persists today, with companies buying “AI capabilities” but only adding chatbots to non-intelligent products.
        An expert highlighted that the lack of a unified definition of AI contributes to AI washing. This __(25)__ allows for inflated claims about AI, leading to overvalued technology and unmet expectations, eroding trust in genuine AI innovations. Regulators, such as the US Securities and Exchange Commission, are beginning to address this issue, charging firms for making false AI-related claims.

(A) rigorism
(B) ambiguity
(C) heterodoxy
(D) dogmatism

難度: 計算中

倒數 1天 ,已有 1 則答案
炸蝦 小二下 (2024/08/04):
 An expert highlighted that the lack of a unified definition of AI contributes to AI washing. 
This ambiguity allows for inflated claims about AI, leading to overvalued technology and unmet expectations, eroding trust in genuine AI innovations. 

Her answer was above all ambiguity. 她的回答毫不含糊。
The dispute resulted from ambiguities in the contract. 爭議是由合同中模稜兩可的詞句引起的。
His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.他對我的提問回答得有些含糊不清。
The wording of the agreement is ambiguous.該協議的措辭模棱兩可。
The government has been ambiguous on this issue.在此問題上政府立場一直不明確。

heterodox (a.)(信仰、想法或活動)非正統的,異端的
His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox.

III. Cloze Questions 21-40: Choose the B..-阿摩線上測驗