
All education systems may ultimately be judged in terms of equality of opportunity. This is often referred to in the debates over selective versus comprehensive schooling. The main issue is whether everyone has the same opportunities for educational achievement or whether __(36)__ of one sort or another is __(37)__ the system. League tables for schools and colleges may actually help unintentionally to__(38)__ inequalities, while claiming to promote the raising of standards. Inevitably, league tables divide educational institutions into good and bad, successful and failing, resulting in a two-tier system, or at least that is how the public__(39)__ it. The ability of better-off parents and well-endowed schools to push children towards the institutions at the top of the league may, in the long term, have the effect of depressing opportunity for the less well-off or for children from home environments that do not provide the push and motivation to excel. Financial support of different kinds can help to make educational opportunity more equal. There are, for example, scholarships or bursaries that make it possible for less__(40)__ youngsters to afford tertiary education. Student loans allow undergraduates to pay for their tuition fees and living expenses while they are studying. But few would claim that real equality of opportunity has been achieved.
(A) permeate
(B) perpetrate
(C) perpetuate
(D) palliate

難度: 計算中

倒數 3天 ,已有 1 則答案
炸蝦 小二下 (2024/08/04):
League tables for schools and colleges may actually help unintentionally to perpetuate inequalities, while claiming to promote the raising of standards.

perpetuate (v.)使持續;使長存,使永恆
Increasing the supply of weapons will only perpetuate the violence and anarchy.
The aim of the association is to perpetuate the skills of traditional furniture design.
The Washington Monument was built to perpetuate the memory of a great man.
Perpetual (a.)永久的,永恆的;長期的
They lived in perpetual fear of being discovered.他們長期生活在恐懼中,擔心被發現。
He has hard, cold eyes and his mouth is set in a perpetual sneer.
a perpetual student終身學習者
perpetual vandalism對公共財物不斷的蓄意破壞
perpetuity (n.)永續,永久,永恆
perpetrate 犯罪
perpetuate 使永恆
per 穿過、徹底+petr 岩石+ate動詞 → 犯(罪);做(壞事)---
In this country, half of all violent crime is perpetrated by people who have been drinking alcohol.
Federal soldiers have been accused of perpetrating atrocities against innocent people.
palliate (v.)
They tried to palliate the hardship of their lives.
2. 緩解痛苦(但無法治癒病因)
The drugs palliate pain but have no effect on inflammation.

All education systems may ultimately be ..-阿摩線上測驗