

27. The following statements are given regarding the complex [Ru(PPh3)3CI2] showing an agostic Ru-H-C interaction (structure shown on the right).
I. This complex is an 1 8-electron species.
ll. The 1H NMR shift of Ru-H-C shows in upfield region as compared to other protons.
Ⅲ. The agostic C-H bonds shows vcH that shifts to lower wavenum ber as compared to other C-H bonds. IV. Increased acidity observed for the agostic C-H proton. How many of these statements are true:

(A) 0,
(B) 1,
(C) 2,
(D) 3, or
(E) 4

27. The following statements are given r..-阿摩線上測驗