
The atom was regarded the smallest unit to compose all kinds of objects in nature by Dalton; however, it was subverted by the discovery of electron followed by the demonstrations for the real atomic structure. Please answer the following groups of questions about the atom and electron. Please answer the following questions 34-36.


35. In the Bohr's model of the hydrogen atom, please find the correct explanations.
(A) Only the Lyman series in the emission spectrum of hydrogen fits the range of visible light.
(B) The electron moves in a circular path around the nucleus.
(C) The energy of the electron can take on only certain quantized values.
(D) The only allowed orbitals are those in which the angular momentum of the electron is an integer multiple of h/2π.
(E) The electron can only absorb or emit electromagnetic radiation when it moves from one orbital to another.

The atom was regarded the smallest unit ..-阿摩線上測驗