
33. The loneliness of the city was brought home to me one early sleepless morning, __________, but by a single one of those same pigeons which I had seen from my hotel window.
(A) by way of tossing people in lonely rooms
(B) by people who had tossed in lonely rooms
(C) not only by people tossing in lonely rooms
(D) not by men like me tossing in lonely rooms
(E) not tossing people in lonely rooms only

難度: 非常困難

倒數 4天 ,已有 1 則答案
黑面企鵝 小五下 (2024/04/04):
The loneliness of the city was brought home to me one early sleepless morning, not by men like me tossing in lonely rooms, but by a single one of those same pigeons which I had seen from my hotel window.
在一個難以入眠的清晨,讓我感受到這座城市寂寞的,並非一位像我一樣在寂寥的房間裡輾轉反側的人,而是我從旅館窗戶望見的那隻鴿子。---Endure the Night. June 1963 By Loren Eiseley
  • bring something home (to someone) :(讓某人)更清楚地理解(尤指不愉快的事)
  • tosse:輾轉反側

33. The loneliness of the city was broug..-阿摩線上測驗