

22. He(g) (n mole) is taken from state 1 (P1, V1) to state 4 (P4, V4) through state 2 (P2, V2) or state 3 (P3, V3). Assuming He(g) obeys ideal gas law, choose the correct statement.
(A) w = 0 from state 2 to state 4. V.-30 L
(B) q= from state 1 to state 2.
(C)△H = n from state 1 to state 3. 
(D) △H = q from state 3 to state 4.
(E) Pathway A (through state 2) and pathway B (through state 3) have the same △H.

難度: 計算中

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22. He(g) (n mole) is taken from state 1..-阿摩線上測驗