
34. Which of the following is the unacceptable statement about paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) :
(A)To treat acute postoperative pain and in the chronic situation for treatment of osteoarthritis, there are differences in efficacy between NSAIDs and paracetamol.
(B) To treat acute postoperative pain and in the chronic situation for treatment of osteoarthritis, the efficacy of classical NSAIDs and Coxibs (cyclooxgenase-2-inhibitory non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) is similar.
(C) If oral NSAIDs are taken for at least 6 months, the risk of an endoscopic ulcer is 1 in 5, of a symptomatic ulcer is about 1 in 70, of a bleeding ulcer is about 1 in150, and of a death from a bleeding ulcer about 1 in 1300.
(D)Coxibs reduce the gastrointestinal bleeding risk compared with NSAIDs. The risk of congestive heart failure is twice as high with chronic NSAID therapy, and increases to over 20 in patients with a previous history.
(E) Paracetamol acts as a Cox inhibitor in the brain, explaining both its analgesic and its antipyretic actions

34. Which of the following is the unacce..-阿摩線上測驗