
       Aromatherapy is definitely attracting more attention and getting more popular worldwide. Aromatherapy is generally believed to have its roots in herbal medicine. Therefore, it incorporates the therapeutic use of essential oils from __(32)__ plants. The basic theory of aromatherapy is to make ultimate use of essential oils __(33) _ from flowers, leaves, stems, roots or fruits. Normally, they are applied on the skin surface; however, in some cases, they may be used __(34)__. Based on the latest research results found in published papers, the healing effect of these highly-concentrated extracts from plants are remarkable. The extracts are up to a hundred times more powerful than the plant itself. The secret is that the extracts’ biochemical compositions make them ideal ingredients for antibiotic, antifungal and antispasmodic remedies.
       Believers and practitioners of aromatherapy argue that it can help modern people cope with both __(35)__ and psychological problems such as anxiety, depression, muscular __(36)__ , infections, skin disorders and other stress symptoms in a more therapeutic way. Moreover, it is believed to alleviate immune deficiencies and boost our immune system. As to the methods of using essential oils as remedies, they may vary from case to case. For instance, they may be _(37)__ from vaporizers, massaged into the skin, or added to water while bathing. When inhaled or absorbed, the molecules __(38)__ receptors in the brain. In this way, the process can trigger a signal in the limbic system, which __(39)__ influences the release of hormones and neurochemicals, __(40)__ in the desired effect.


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