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Questions 23-25

To: Donna Elbridge
From: Oliver Thompson
Subject: Request for Lunch Meeting

Dear Dr. Elbridge,
I hope this message finds you well.
I am writing to see if you would be available for a lunch meeting next week. I believe it would be a great opportunity to discuss a few important topics, including the upcoming project deadlines, team performance, and new ideas for improving our workflow.
If you are available, please let me know a time that works for you. Once we confirm, I will ask Marissa to book a table at The Grove so that we can have a relaxed discussion without rushing during the lunch
Looking forward to your response.

Best regards,
Oliver Thompson
Project Manager

【題組】25. What is The Grove most likely?
(A) A bar close to Oliver's home
(B) A department store with a variety of products
(C) A convenience spot where staff grab snacks
(D) A restaurant near the company

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Questions 23-25 To: Donna ElbridgeFrom: ..-阿摩線上測驗