全民英檢◆中級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)題庫下載題庫

Questions 31-33
            Moons are natural satellites that orbit around planets. They come in various sizes and shapes. Earth’s moon is the fifth largest moon in the solar system and is our closest neighbor in space. It has a rocky surface with large craters and also flat plains. Many planets have moons. For example, Jupiter has more than 70 moons, and Saturn has around 80. Some moons, like Europa and Ganymede, are very interesting because they might have oceans beneath their icy surfaces, which could support life. Moons can affect their planets in many ways, such as causing tides in the oceans. They also help us learn more about the universe and how space objects interact. By studying moons, scientists gain valuable clues about the history and formation of planets. Understanding these space objects expands our knowledge of space and its many mysteries.

【題組】32. According to the article, which of the following is most likely to accommodate life?
(A) Earth's moon
(B) Jupiter
(C) Saturn
(D) Europa

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Questions 31-33            Moons are nat..-阿摩線上測驗