全民英檢◆中級◆閱讀(GEPT Reading)題庫下載題庫

Questions 23-25

Dive into Fun at Ocean Wonders Aquarium!

Come and enjoy a fantastic day at our new private aquarium. Dive deep into a world of marine life,amazing underwater landscapes, and cool exhibits designed for all ages.
Special Features:
• Shark Encounters: See sharks up close in our special tank.
• Tropical Fish Wonderland: Watch colorful tropical fish swim in their beautiful home.
• Hands-on tank: Feel friendly sea stars and gentle stingrays.
• Underwater Art Gallery: Enjoy unique art inspired by the ocean's beauty.
Reservations required! Ensure your spot by booking in advance to experience the wonders of the ocean up close.
Call us at (888) 175-1575 or email us at reservations@oceanwondersaquarium.com to book your visit
Dive into adventure at Ocean Wonders—where the ocean comes to life!

【題組】23. What type of place is described in this advertisement?
(A) A place where you can buy seafood
(B) A place you can see insects and lizards
(C) A place where you can study plants
(D) A place you can see marine animals

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Questions 23-25Dive into Fun at Ocean Wo..-阿摩線上測驗