
        The Great Migration is the largest herd movement of animals on the planet. The numbers areastonishing: over 1.5 million wildebeests, zebras, and antelopes move in a constant cycle through theSerengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of nutritious grass and water. Guided by survival instinct, eachwildebeest will cover 800 to 1,000 km on its individual journey along age-old migration routes. Hungrypredators, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, wild dogs, and crocodiles, ensure the strongestsurvive in this natural spectacle. This is also known as ‘the greatest show on Earth.’
         The animals travel from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in southern Serengeti, Tanzania, throughthe Serengeti, into the Masai Mara in Kenya, and then back again. The journey is beset with danger: youngcalves are snatched by predators, the slow ones are brought down by prides of lion, brave beasts break legson steep river slopes, crocodiles take their share of the stragglers, and the weak and exhausted drown.
         As for the three major animals of the migrant grazers, they have different grass-eating habits: as onegroup eats the top of the tallest grass, the next group will eat away some of the medium-height grass untilfinally it is almost completely eaten, and the herds move on. This means each group sticks to its kind withonly a tiny overlap in their distributions. The grasses of the plains have the highest protein contentthroughout the Serengeti and are also high in calcium.
         It is unclear how the wildebeests know which way to go. However, it is generally believed that theirjourney is dictated primarily by their response to the weather. They probably follow the rains and new grassgrowth. Some experts believe the animals react to lightning and thunderstorms in the distance. It has evenbeen suggested that wildebeest can locate rain more than 50 km away.

【題組】36. What is the main purpose of this article?
(A) It mainly introduces African wildlife that can move freely on the vast rolling plains of the Serengeti.
(B) It mainly indicates the solutions to the problem of some roads crossing the path of the Great Migration.
(C) It mainly describes the ever-moving circular migration of over a million animals across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem.
(D) It mainly shows that the Great Migration is slowly collapsing due to widespread habitat loss.

難度: 簡單

倒數 6天 ,已有 2 則答案
所有解答僅供參考 喜歡請按 高三下 (2024/10/14):

(C) It mainly describes the ever-moving circular migration of over a million animals across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem.

這篇文章的主要內容是介紹「大遷徙」的現象,描述了超過一百五十萬隻動物在塞倫蓋提-馬拉生態系統中不斷移動的遷徙過程及其行為。文章詳細說明了動物的移動路徑、習性和遷徙過程中的挑戰,這些內容清楚表明了選項 (C) 的主旨。


• (A) 主要介紹非洲野生動物,但不是文章的主要重點。

• (B) 提到的道路與遷徙之間的問題並不是文章的主旨。

• (D) 提到大遷徙的崩潰,但文章並沒有著重於這一點。

K(113高普會計雙榜) 小二上 (2024/10/16):
What is the main purpose of this article?(這篇文章的主要目的是什麼?)

(A) It mainly introduces African wildlife that can move freely on the vast rolling plains of the Serengeti.(主要介紹了能夠自由移動於塞倫蓋提廣袤平原的非洲野生動物。)
(B) It mainly indicates the solutions to the problem of some roads crossing the path of the Great Migration.(主要指出了解決一些道路與大遷徙路徑相交問題的方法。)
(C) It mainly describes the ever-moving circular migration of over a million animals across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem.(主要描述了超過百萬頭動物在塞倫蓋提-馬賽馬拉生態系中不斷進行的環形遷徙。)
(D) It mainly shows that the Great Migration is slowly collapsing due to widespread habitat loss.(主要顯示由於棲息地喪失,大遷徙正在逐漸崩潰。)
答案:(C) It mainly describes the ever-moving circular migration of over a million animals across the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem.

詳解: 從文章第一段「The Great Migration is the largest herd movement of animals on the planet」可以看出文章的主旨。因此正確答案是(C)。

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