
        The Great Migration is the largest herd movement of animals on the planet. The numbers areastonishing: over 1.5 million wildebeests, zebras, and antelopes move in a constant cycle through theSerengeti-Mara ecosystem in search of nutritious grass and water. Guided by survival instinct, eachwildebeest will cover 800 to 1,000 km on its individual journey along age-old migration routes. Hungrypredators, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas, wild dogs, and crocodiles, ensure the strongestsurvive in this natural spectacle. This is also known as ‘the greatest show on Earth.’
         The animals travel from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in southern Serengeti, Tanzania, throughthe Serengeti, into the Masai Mara in Kenya, and then back again. The journey is beset with danger: youngcalves are snatched by predators, the slow ones are brought down by prides of lion, brave beasts break legson steep river slopes, crocodiles take their share of the stragglers, and the weak and exhausted drown.
         As for the three major animals of the migrant grazers, they have different grass-eating habits: as onegroup eats the top of the tallest grass, the next group will eat away some of the medium-height grass untilfinally it is almost completely eaten, and the herds move on. This means each group sticks to its kind withonly a tiny overlap in their distributions. The grasses of the plains have the highest protein contentthroughout the Serengeti and are also high in calcium.
         It is unclear how the wildebeests know which way to go. However, it is generally believed that theirjourney is dictated primarily by their response to the weather. They probably follow the rains and new grassgrowth. Some experts believe the animals react to lightning and thunderstorms in the distance. It has evenbeen suggested that wildebeest can locate rain more than 50 km away.

【題組】38. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “dictated” in Paragraph 4?
(A) permitted
(B) directed
(C) teased
(D) fastened

難度: 簡單

倒數 5天 ,已有 2 則答案
所有解答僅供參考 喜歡請按 高三下 (2024/10/14):

(B) directed

在文章的第四段中,“dictated”用來描述角馬的遷徙主要是受到天氣的影響,因此這裡的意思可以理解為“由…決定或指導”。選項 (B) directed 具有類似的含義,表示某種力量或因素指導或影響行動。


• (A) permitted:意指允許,與句子含義不符。

• (C) teased:意指嘲笑,完全不相關。

• (D) fastened:意指固定或綁緊,也與句子無關。

K(113高普會計雙榜) 小二上 (2024/10/16):
Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “dictated” in Paragraph 4?(第四段中的「dictated」一詞最接近的意思是什麼?)

(A) permitted(允許)
(B) directed(指引)
(C) teased(取笑)
(D) fastened(固定)
答案:(B) directed

詳解: 「dictated」在文中的意思是指動物的行為是由天氣所「決定」,因此最接近的詞是「directed」。因此正確答案是(B)。

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